This just looks like a standard orthographic projection with Canada near the center.
This just looks like a standard orthographic projection with Canada near the center.
You are mistaking a “concerted effort” with a general consensus that free VPNs are not a great idea. “If a service is free, you are not the customer, you are the product” is a pretty good rule of thumb. Your downvotes aren’t necessarily a conspiracy here.
It was a reference to a Reddit post.
But can I use this to attach it to the back of an airline seat?
If Apple gets their way, you’ll be renewing every month:
This probably explains the post I saw last night about Roger Ver. I was wondering how a post about a Bitcoin cash shill hit my All feed.
Yes, but some constitutional literalists tend to be quite … literal.
“The authors of the 22nd amendment clearly knew the difference between holding office and being elected to office, because the text of the amendment distinguishes between the two, yet still chose to explicitly only bar from election.”
Since the 22nd amendment only explicitly bars you from being elected, it could be argued that you still meet the eligibility requirements laid out in Article II; that is, you’re only explicitly barred from being elected, not from holding office.
We’ve definitely seen some very concerning Supreme Court rulings recently, so it’s unfortunately not as clear-cut as we would hope.
Okay, loophole time: what if he runs as VP in 2028, and after inauguration, the newly elected president resigns? He wouldn’t technically have been elected, and the amendment doesn’t mention being barred from actually serving more than twice.
I’ve tried using SFC multiple times and had it work zero times. One time after SFC failed to find anything wrong, I ended up fixing the machine by replacing the system file with a copy from a working machine.
Yep, guess I’ll be upgrading in a few months. I suppose it could be weeks if we’re really lucky.