Not sure where I fall into this chart.
I can tell you. You’re in the shit distro+shit browser part of the chart. Terrible choices. Not like my distribution which is so good. With a very good browser.
No I haven’t read what your distro is. Nor your browser. Irrelevant.
My distro? You wouldn’t know it. Very niche. But very good. Maybe the same as yours, but not the shit one. The good one.
Am I a moron? Sure. A moron with a good distro. (It’s ubuntu+chrome, if you know it)
With this method, I manage to get 14-fingered hands reliably. After that, the results get worse. 15-fingered hands work about 50% of the time. Asking for more fingers usually results in the summoning of a demon octopus, which is annoying to get rid of.
The nurseries and childcare facilities I work with are not thrilled but I love my job.