By the way, I have no idea why the algorithm showed me this job.
No need to stay in the closet, Squiddy! After all it’s one of the true manly arts.
^Full disclosure, I got no idea whether Squid is man or woman or anything in between.^
By the way, I have no idea why the algorithm showed me this job.
No need to stay in the closet, Squiddy! After all it’s one of the true manly arts.
^Full disclosure, I got no idea whether Squid is man or woman or anything in between.^
I think Charlie Hebdo comics are often in bad taste and more shock value than critic, but that’s no legitimate reason to massacre people.
More than the attack on Charlie Hebdo itself, which I can “understand” in the twisted sense of a religious fanatic, it was the overall ruthlessness of the attackers that shocked me. I remember vividly seeing a video of one of the attackers walking up to a wounded police officer and executing him at point-blank range.
It’s probably something like the story within the story For the Benefit of Mankind by Liu Cixin.
Spontaneous ideas for troubleshooting:
Given the enormous amount of metadata companies collect about us and the obvious connections of fabric to yourself, you are surprised that LinkedIn got it at least partially right?