I certainly could have made myself clearer to begin with.
I certainly could have made myself clearer to begin with.
The way I read it, this post complains about “wokization” more than enshittification.
Else why would it point out “African or Indian last names”, reviews using the word “brave”, or “books about Trump gathering dust”? Those are all right-wing memes.
This greentext is literally just right-wingers convincing each other their already-held stereotypes are true.
In 1945 the British general staff assessed the possibility of war against the USSR for Poland and concluded it wasn’t feasible. It was codenamed Operation Unthinkable.
I wonder the same, my theory is that this gesture is used both as a loyalty test and a way to further polarize society.
Making this gesture draws clear lines in society: those who say it was fine, those who say it wasn’t, those who don’t take a stance (ie the media calling it a “controversial gesture” or similar). So Musk & al now have a clearer idea of who stand where. It also cleaves those “for” and those “against” further away, solidifying their base.
Another explanation is this is part of the normalization of extreme rethoric and symbols. I doubt he could have gotten away with it ten years ago; who knows what they’ll be able to do and say in 2035?
Yet another possibility, he did it on a whim and the neo-nazis like Bannon are now seizing the opportunity. It’s unclear how planned this was and how intentional the consequences were.
(And all might be true at once)