take so hot
hot hot take
take so hot you fry an egg
take so hot
hot hot take
take so hot you fry an egg
it’s not me body that’s the problem
Yeah I look like Nosferatu, it’s a bald white thing. Although apparently Tate’s dad was black? Either way.
Edit: I should clarify, I look like a jacked Nosferatu. I’ll manage.
Looks like one of those cats, doesn’t he.
Much as with Cixin Liu, if you’re a public figure in China you better learn to bend the knee if you don’t want to be “disappeared”. There’s no way of knowing what anybody’s actual views are, really.
deep microwave lore here
Never trust a woman having a hard time getting pregnant is a bit harsh, isn’t it?
In my experience, Japanese women say “I’m come” during sex. Hopefully they don’t mean the opposite.
“Can I look at your nipples please, I would like to know if I’m imagining them correctly.”
Never fails.
Hogfather as in the Discworld novel? I could have sworn that was older than Harry Potter.
Edit: it is, but surprisingly only one year older than the first Harry Potter book.
I’m not sure about the ownership of foundations, charitable funds and the like; some degree of corruption wouldn’t surprise me unfortunately.
I will say that she won’t have been deliberately pushing class-stratification given her socioeconomic background, however the whole setting is heavily influenced by Victorian-era children’s novels about boarding school adventures which were absolutely saturated with classism.
They surely needed a team of editors towards the end.
JK Rowling holds a very common position amongst older feminists and really doesn’t deserve the constant rape threats for funding women’s refuges. I’m pushing back on the party line here, and no, I don’t believe trans people deserve to be killed, or any bullshit like that. I promise to hide them in my non-existent attic if it comes to that.
Edit: the books did get progressively worse after the third or possibly fourth one, though, and the films aren’t very good.
And somehow he’ll keep making money.