@jagged_circle sorry the entire decentralized NOSTR interface is based on the lightning network. So while most clients support “likes” what it more prevalent is “Zaps” a Zap is a micropayment of bitcoin over the lightning network (one zap is equal to one Satoshi equivalent to 100 millionth of a bitcoin). This incentivizes both the infrastructure and the content. Make something people like, get paid without a central corporation exploiting.
@onlinepersona I will admit that the search feature in GNU Mailman could use an upgrade on its archive search.
I actually get all of my mail list posts right here in Friendica as I use kill-the-newsletter to subscribe and “friend” the RSS so post just show in my social media feed the same as Mastodon Toots and Lemmy Posts, so they don’t overcrowd my email inbox.
@onlinepersona no, it was definitely Discord, and he definitely was of the opinion that it was easier to find old discussions in Discord than email.
We recently had a guy try to get our local GNU/Linux User Group to move our communication to Discord because he found email too difficult.
@Stamets I’ll admit it looks cool, but leaving your clear Gameboy out in the sun was a bad idea.
@asudox then again having a tool that is only used for sharing videos with immediate friends and family is fine too. Not everything needs to be focused on killling off a particular non-free software for it to have value in and of it self.
@asudox I love the idea of peertube. I have a couple of accounts. It used to be easier to load new content by URL when it supporfted input from YouTube, but YT has gone out of their way to maintain their virtual monoply. In order for such a service to be more useful than just sharing videos with your immediate friends and family you need a way for creaters to make money, which i think is going to be easier on #NOSTR . I think a better question is how do we make nostr useful for more than just bitcoinbois.
@Zetta checkout pixelfed.fediverse.observer
It’s more imporant to use Free Software top to bottom.
I know this is pointing at percentages, but those numbers are still way off from whatever else I was just looking at earlier today. Like they had lemmy #2, Pixelfed #3 and loops, whatever the hell that is, at like #5. Here on the best Fedi platform, friendica, they said there were just over 2,000 active users, making loops already at 6 times larger than us. I still think we need to get ready because someday the facebook migration will come and boy howdy.
@michael thanks! the image itself gave me 0 idea what you where talking about.
@lukewarm_ozone I hope you actually did that math.
@fool so it’s racist because we of Asian descent tend to eat rice? Are other Asians asking automobile enthusiasts not to use this or is it basic white girl stuff?
@fool wait, how is this racist?
@Nyarlathotep @anytimesoon I mean, I do the same thing people have done for a century, I listen to the radio.
@anytimesoon Why do you want some computer recommending music for you? Wouldn’t you rather your friends and shit? #FunkWhale
@Fizz @meldrik in Free Software nothing ever “defeats the point” it just may not fit your particular use case. One of the advantages of Free Software is that it can be used by anyone for any reasons.