(Also murders and discredits civil rights activists in the 60s-80s, so that’s a thing to keep in mind…)
(Also murders and discredits civil rights activists in the 60s-80s, so that’s a thing to keep in mind…)
I’m so fucking glad we’ve stopped calling women “hysterical” whenever we don’t believe them. That word is so blatantly misogynistic and it seems to be dying out now.
There’s proof it’s been done pretty much upto the limit of declassified FBI/CIA documents.
I see no reason to believe the government would have stopped — and if they did — I see many reasons Trump is likely to start it up again.
Stay Vigilant — but remember most of us are fine — they won’t waste risky and time consuming tactics like that on minor targets.
Or an underpaid slave who continually risked their lives so some rich white people could climb a mountain.
That’s real cool to hear!
Threadiverse >>
Yes I for sure am an FBI agent or a paid actor or whatever delusion is needed for you to dismiss my point because you don’t want to actually have to consider the substance.
I don’t care if you’re vegan or not. I care if your an authoritarian defending hierarchies masquerading as a leftist.
I liked it but as someone who was abused by a therapist — man the fact every show is trying to be “therapy positive” is really meaning I have PTSD when watching most TV shows now, it sucks.