How about just eliminate pronouns altogether. Don’t see any reason are such an essential part of language. Just don’t use pronouns at all. Why can’t all just agree to? 's not like are even nessecary.
edit: missed one
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How about just eliminate pronouns altogether. Don’t see any reason are such an essential part of language. Just don’t use pronouns at all. Why can’t all just agree to? 's not like are even nessecary.
edit: missed one
That’s a stretch too far sadly. Hopefully someday I can move to Germany, but not yet.
It seems that way to me too. Bum is the more common british term, and butt is much more american. Perhaps these two facts are related somehow.
Not a coincidence! Trans girl’s gotta find a good name somewhere. Can’t think of anyone better to name myself after.
the bum is fat below your sit bones. It’s there to be comfy for when you sit on things. Bigger butt means more comfortable sitting.
I mean this in the least sexual possible way. Big butts are great!
But yeah many people are weirdly into sex and that makes me uncomfortable too.
I used to but the E cured my chronic depression :3
I always carry an emergency activism brick in my purse. :3