And thank you for being a good foster!!
And thank you for being a good foster!!
The only thing I ever got from LinkedIn was scams. I’d bet this is a scam, sight unseen.
When they tell you the interview a teams-only text you’ll know for sure.
Sorry LA Times, it’s too late for that.
I mean, yes, good and all, but y’know. Too late.
Hey don’t hassle the CD-i, it was trying to do something no one had done and probably shoudn’t have.
but it shipped, didn’t it! Looking at you pippin.
There you go
Question is nonsense. I am simply hard working woman of color who believes in the American dream and of not degenerate my childrens with the vaccines. Great president trump is very smart and will be victorious over Ukraine.
Also I am trans and our system of elections is very corrupted such as should not be ever to voting.
I turned the lights on by accident and saw how dirty the floor was.
Made a note to have the lights removed.
That’s nothing, I tried to plug a USB-C in the other day and failed.
sigh - you are a bit of a disappointment. She wasn’t going to say anything, but then you showed up with no treats. Again.
said Ajit Varma, veep of Firefox Product
Pack up your shit, and get the FUCK out. You’re a fucking disgrace.
Death to Microsoft
Wow. Texas out-Texases Texas.
The rats did nothing wrong!
Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
Propaganda works.
We are now innundated with it. And the answer is not “anti-propaganda” although sometimes that helps a little.
The answer is everyone needs to learn how media works; How words and images and sounds form the world.
And to do that requires the help of media corporations.
I began to wonder where that quote was, it’s here:
“The real benchmark is: the world growing at 10 percent,” he added. “Suddenly productivity goes up and the economy is growing at a faster rate. When that happens, we’ll be fine as an industry.”
More the latter about rationalization. In the real world such things would affect electability. But in our 24/7 Propaganda Turd Circus it will have no effect.