And she’s OUTTA THERE!
And she’s OUTTA THERE!
I think you have the wrong comment dog, I didn’t mention any of the 3 Bushes or Trump =b
I can’t hear you taking about progressive goals over all the drone strikes and dead Palestinian children
That would be siiiick, I’d want it to be more goofy in tone (though I only played Asylum and a couple minutes of City so maybe I don’t have a good handle on the whole series) imagine kite man heckling you from the shadows until he gets bathed in gamma rays or dumped in toxic waste and becomes a huge threat,
Ahhh, so the I in RaIph is like the second l in Aluminum, what wiII those crafty brits think up next
Imagine printing a spindle and cutting a slot in the basket and just feed the filament right out of the air fryer
ASD aka Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder not a mental health condition,
I am autistic (I also ascribe to the Asperger’s Syndrome label but that’s an intentionally hyperbolic stance of mine best discussed separate)
My brain is wired differently than my non-autistic peers, and has been developing differently in a measurable, significant way since I was a small child.
This leads to differences in what I eat, what I’m comfortable wearing, doing, what I do for fun, how I solve problems.
How could those changes not inform my identity? It affects what social circles I move in, what recreation I enjoy, the friendships I form and how I maintain them.
I’d argue that my autism is as important part of my identity as my regional origin, my religion, how much melatonin happens to be present in my skin.
If autism shouldn’t be considered part of my identity than neither should what sports team someone is a fan of, the religion they ascribe to, the culture they take part in, and I believe that would lead to a greyer, much more boring world.
I ended up watching a AvE video after a long while (one where he’s making a socket for TTC) it was bittersweet, I used to love his content