Usually the user numbers will start off really strong when a community is initially founded (especially if its a transplantation) and then drop off significantly in the following months. There’s typically a surge of posts which attracts users from /all and /new, but those users eventually filter out as the content slows down.
Yeah I mean that’s more or less what I assumed, not really major enough for me.
the people posting are free to go to another community whenever they want, and when they leave, the old community usually dies.
You’re not wrong and this has happened many times, also with c/anime leaving from But that doesn’t mean things will always go that way. The posters have a lot of power sure, but the casual users also have a lot more influence than you might think. Most people aren’t going to follow power posters to the ends of the earth, they’ll simply engage with the content that is most readily available to them, and they really don’t want to bother with splinter communities and moderation drama.
Wouldn’t really call it a sale considering that the Western powers never actually had control of Poland at any point.
The alternative would have been a brutal war with the USSR, given that the USSR had unilaterally asserted military and political control over Poland by the time negotiations began. Poland was also granted vast swathes of territory that had previously been part of Germany for centuries (approximately 1/4 of the pre-war territory of Germany, from which 12 million Germans were permanently expelled). So I’d have to argue they got a better deal than many other nationalities in the long run.