Is that Tony Hawk why does that look like Tony Hawk
Is that Tony Hawk why does that look like Tony Hawk
Imagine being colorblind and someone trying to explain what purple looks like. Seeing purple is not a skill, either you have the receptors in your eyes or your don’t. The ability to sense time is similar. It is not a skill.
Raw milk is worse because of the bird flu risk. Some dumbass is gonna drink tainted milk, get sick, and the virus will eventually evolve to better infect humans in ways that hurt us.
A carnivore diet just harms themselves and the animals they’re eating. But raw milk has the potential to cause/accelerate another pandemic.
I’ve been a lifelong vegetarian however the vegans do have a point… what other mammal goes out of their way to drink other mammals milk?! I mean there’s some fringe cases of different species adopting each other and weaning but usually humans are involved in that.
Omg. This is so timely for me. Im a woman who works in a male dominated field and I had two old fucking guys complain to my superiors about how dare a woman work my job. It didn’t go well for them!
As a Vermonter I believe Quebec should adopt us. Together we could control the worlds maple syrup supply!