If you tried reading that article, that these are “just” guesstimates of some of the spices they found online. I have a couple in my recepies that are not on this list.
The trick is to read. In my case, I used my eyes
Don’t bother. Most use pre mixed spices from them, wich are even harder to track down.
it gives and error because it wants to download using their desktop addon, but via the dots you can select to copy the URL. In the Addon settings you can change copy URL to the default. the URL you get will work with yt-dlp
I use this https://www.downloadhelper.net/. Not to download but to get the video URL and download using other tools.
Just make him Sheppards Pie or something else with meat wich is not appetising like Black soup. Make him regret wanting „real food“
well, she does it wrong kenough to later claim he was just trying to dab or something.
Just one steel chair to the face is enough to remove teeth from humanity
If you are willing to tolerate the bad UX, you can try GIMP. Otherwise its really worth it
It’s a mistranslation they ment right as in correct, wich is pretty based
Blur isn’t a good idea as many are nearly lossless reversible play it save and use coloured bars, here white to make it look more clean
Finally AI slop. Linux is now a fully grown corpo and therefore the year of Linux desktop is here
Basically it was a two liner dependency and how npm works it doesn’t cache and always downloads all dependencies fresh. This lead to 440GB/Month of traffic in a lage project.
Instead of removing a dependency we should just accept that the entire JS ecosystem is a total ****show and start over
Because the IP‘s of the proxy/VPN you use is publicly known. So as soon as they receive a package from that IP they know the user is using such services.