• 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Removing the SD card shows whether there is a burned or shorted connection somewhere, but does not show if a gate is staying high after it is triggered. HCT logic is translating CMOS threshold voltages on the input to TTL levels at the output. Still while the window of where bit logic high and low are specified, the actual logic zero voltage is relatively high. You also have to remember that all chip manufacturers have an error rate distribution curve and send bad parts or parts that are right on the edge of acceptable. It is quite possible that you happened to get a FET with a low gate threshold voltage and a logic gate with abnormally high logic zero threshold. I would just tack on a through hole resistor between gate and source similar to how Fan 2 MOSFET control is configured and see if that solves the issue.

    I’m not effectively able to help with the software, so this may still be a red herring, but I do not think removing the SD card effectively addresses the question of whether the gate is driven low correctly.

  • Exercise will control your circadian rhythm, set your metabolism on a more consistent routine, and help you sleep better. Endurance based exercises are best; cycling, swimming, running, rowing, etc. You need 1 hour every 3 days at a minimum in my experience. Don’t think in terms of a week, just do it somewhere between daily and every 3 days no matter what. Even someone like me that has major chronic health problems from a broken neck and back manages to pull off this one. In fact, I fall apart and turn into a sleepless zombie if I fail to maintain my exercise routine. I’m likely one of the most sleep deprived people here. This works when nothing else does or is possible.

  • Oh no, he was dumb, she was super into me then. He wasn’t consoling or anything but saying she was not pretty enough for me. I liked her for her depth and interests. He was a curiosity because he was into videography before YT, but had no depth beyond that one interest at the time. He had a misogynistic conquest like disposition that I do not share. At the time, this disposition was something I did not understand.

  • I really liked a girl, asked her out once when I was way too young. Had a friend tagging along. After, he said I could do better. The guy was an idiot, but the words had an impact on me at the time. I forget about her and moved on. I was super busy with a new business anyways.

    Later, I started dating this other girl. Turns out she was best friends with the first. The three of us did everything together for years. I never did anything with the first, but found myself just as attached to both in a unique way. The first even dated a friend if mine for awhile. When I broke up with the second, me and the first dated for a short while, but I ended up moving out of state and things didn’t work out.

  • Looking out the window of a car as I was driven around town as a kid. I wondered at the layers of rocks in road cuts, the vastness of forest and what creeks and secrets it held. I would see someone in passing and picture myself as if I were them; mowing the lawn; walking in that store; speaking to someone else. I would imagine whole narratives based on the details I saw around them at a glance.

    I was coping with the boredom in my own ways. That abstraction is one of the most valuable to me. The thoughts that streamed from staring out a window of a moving car are a big part of the base of the tree that became me. This is the mental structure that has kept me grounded through a decade of social isolation from physical disability and being forced to reinvent my sense of self nearly from scratch. It is how far back I had to go to redefine myself anew within the reality of my physical constraints. So while it may seem entirely mundane, I have been forced to reflect and redefine myself in ways most humans never confront.

    There are many facets involved here, like how I am still able to talk about my past without causing myself harm by thinking about what I have lost, or how I’m purposefully turning within myself, because any other tangent of thought leads to vengeful anger at what was taken from me. In my cascade of abstract thoughts, my most pleasant and happiest is not really resolved to a specific moment or event. In truth, I can recall the exact moment I was looking at a rock cut on the side of a road and realized the layers were deep time, but it was more of a subconscious back burner thought than a solid moment of understanding. All of this abstraction has a root in that thought. It is an actual place in my mind, a small hillside rock cut on a highway between Cleveland and Chattanooga Tennessee with a limestone formation of very old rock. That abstraction has likely saved my life thus far, and continues to redirect me into my curiosities in moments of profound loneliness, boredom, and a lack of purpose. The only thing I cannot overcome with this thought is the burden I have become for others. Baring the thought of being a burden, my abstract curiosity; wondering about the world; exploring by turning within; is my basis for continuing day to day. I find great value in this abstraction and that makes me happy in the present.

  • There are resonate standing waves inside the microwave. A microwave works at 2.4 GHz. The wave length of 2.4 GHz is 4.92 inches or just under 12.6 centimeters. This is a sinusoidal wave, so half of that wavelength distance is in the trough and half is in the hump of the waveform. These high frequency photons are bouncing around in a Faraday cage made of metal. Their pattern inside the metal box is fixed. The magnetron is off to one side and emitting the radio light from a fix position. As the waves of light bounce around inside, they tend to align into standing wave patterns. Some of the waves cancel out while others work together to amplify little extra energetic spots.

    If part of your food is effectively stationary, like at the turntable center of rotation, there is a chance that a dead spot in the radio light wave pattern will form in that region and will not transfer energy to the food. The more the food is offset, the more it should cross points of radio light. So it is always more effective to offset the dish as much as possible.

  • The little shadow tiger has decided she does not like the cold tile floor in the kitchen on her little paw pads in the mornings. So she does this little hoppy move sideways into almost a gallop before the hind legs get into as much of a hurry as the front and nearly send her rolling out of the kitchen into the safe carpet of the living room

  • It depends greatly on the vehicle and how my mirrors are setup. I’ve driven far larger tractor trailer combos than most, dump trucks heavy equipment on a lowboy too. There are many instances when looking over my shoulder is just as pointless at looking at the floor.

    Now, people that look at a phone for anything while driving, those are the fools that should be crucified. People that exit at the last second from the fast lane should be shot and buried too. If you have to look at a phone, use your car’s phone mode by forcing your transmission from D for drive to P for phone. It will solve all the phone driving problems. If you do not own the freeway, your primary responsibility is to everyone else on the road, and your ass comes last. You miss your exit, so the FnA what. Next time you’ll learn how to do it right, and we all get to have a next time.

  • My family is backwards, into ultra conservative religion and is deeply prejudiced in unconventional ways not (directly) racially. Meanwhile they are pro labor union to the extreme. My sister is all hardcore religious, and she is a deeply abusive and manipulative mach.

    Religion has become my primary sign of insanity. Yesterday, the neighbor was beating his kid, so a few neighbors called the cops. When I told my fam, the guy was demon possessed and speaking in tongues. Like, dude drinks way too much some times, but how bat shit must someone be to diagnose a dimwitted drunk as demon possessed.

    All I can say is peak leaded fuel happened in the 1980’s. I’m from '84, so I’m not entirely free from doubt, but my parent’s generation… They are generally everything that is wrong with the present, and everyone controlling the head of the dragon ATM.