Also, Gangnam style. 13 years ago.
Also, Gangnam style. 13 years ago.
Children, which to me is everyone born in the 2005+ are already turning 20. Hell, the iPhone can already vote.
Steve Jobs also famously only made one dollar a year. Because normal income is taxed much more than giving yourself stock and calling it unrealized gains. You cannot be a billionaire without being a parasite.
Totally, I missed it until someone pointed it out in the comments, assumptions about a “consistent world” are kind of baked in. Your brain might implicitly flip it just to make sense.
Right, indeed. 😊
Maybe they should have, since this is definitely something it picks up.
My input was “what is wrong with this text if any”
Claude 3.5
There is an error in this text. Let me point out the inconsistency: It states that Lewis “lost his hearing in his right ear” but then mentions he adapted to “relying solely on his right ear.” This is contradictory because…
Either way, losing hearing as a musician must suck extra.
I was looking around for new monitors and many are “smart now too” so you can watch Netflix. I dunno, but I already have a device attached which can do that much better, and more!
There is Songs of Conquest which I think most HoMM players will appreciate. A modern wink to the series.
For me too, the pixel art style of it I really love. I’ve even tried one because I was perhaps that feels closer to two than three, but it’s just too unpolished and primitive vs two.
Three may very well be the superior game. Same with AOE. For most people the love is for two; which is the better game, but I’ve always reached back to 1.
(Now with the DE editions of those, those are the better games, get 2 with the Rome expansion)
Perhaps a DE version of HoMM will be released as well.
I don’t think you can get to communism where there’s a relatively small group in power tasked with dividing the means of production. That power will be abused like oligarchs do now.
I’m still waiting on this Nintendo Revolution 18 years later.
Soon that stack will be worth more than its weight in gold.
Super Mario Bros in the NES for me, the excitement if you reach a later level for the first time, only to die and have to try it al over again.
Totally, I sometimes still play it too, even though I have newer versions in my collection. Looking forward to Anno 117 Pax Romana though!
Road Rash
Yogho Yogho
For the Dutchies among us.
A2 Racer
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Here in the Netherlands the “pigeon racing” sport is still relatively alive, but does have an aging target group. Pigeons are driven somewhere many miles anyway, (well km’s) and released, first home gets a price.
There are breeders and trainers etc.