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  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Internet pictures with words are fucking dumb

    Memers in shambles right now. Webcomic artists, to shreds. Researchers who use diagrams with legends in their publications, pulverized. Journalists, atomised.

    A child draws a picture of his father and writes “I love you” for it is the man’s birthday. He posts the picture online.


    Yells the mother, as she beats them both to death with a large brick.

    In the halls of the United Nations, an envoy reads the latest finding of his commission: “I’m afraid every character of every alphabet is ultimately a drawing.”

    “But that would mean…”

    “Yes, I’m afraid. Every text online counts as internet picture with words. Including the meeting reports that Stephanie posts on our site.” Sound of typing stops, as Stephanie looks up, aghast The discussion resumes, the tone rises and descends again, a consensus is reached. It is a hard choice, but a fair one. All the lettered people are to be buried alive.

  • Yeah, but that’s only really a trap is there’s a way to keep him from escaping. Voldemort escaped pretty easily; had Harry not been there, he could’ve tried for some time, figured out the trick and then just left to re-evaluate his options.

    While not explicitly stated, it’s possible that that’s actually what he did: If he’d figured out Harry, Ron and Hermione had been snooping around and had found the room with Fluffy, Quirrel might’ve willingly dropped hints so that they’d check, let the music play longer than he needed to so that they’d know someone was trying to take the stone and he could lure them all the way down.

  • Aside from the very much sung “why didn’t they use the time turner then”, there’s a bunch of “Why didn’t they stop Voldemort then” that could be inserted at various points of the story; when you consider that:

    1- Albus had a spy within the death eaters in the person if Severus Snape.

    2- In “the Order of the Phoenix”, while Voldy could take Albus 1 on 1, he retreated when more people arrived, implying they could gang up on him.

    3- Sure they couldn’t kill him without the horcruxes, but another important plot point is that they have a magical prison, staffed with creatures that absorb your life force. Sure, Azkaban seems like a joke considering the number of prisoners breaking out of it… But in the case of Sirius he could escape transformed as a dog because they didn’t know he was an animagus and hadn’t taken the relevant measures, and the rest were broken out from outside. Certainly, they could hold Voldy with the right measures. Albus was monitoring Voldemort and the death eaters activity the whole time. In the first book/movie, he even had him within his school, unknowingly sure, but he knew Voldemort was likely to try and get his hands on the philosopher’s stone, and was just like “don’t worry, it’s well protected”, not even trying to set up an ambush, or to pursue Voldemort once he knows he was there.

  • I believe you’re wrong to assume the gender is a property of the thing the word refers too, it’s a property of the word itself. Synonyms can have different genders, like “vélo” is masculine and “bicylette” is feminine, both mean “bicycle”. “Vagin” is masculine. There’s no 100% consistent mean to determine a words gender, but helpful patterns that are right most of the time would be more in the word’s ending.

    To take the example of “machine”, I can’t think of any word ending in “-ine” that isn’t feminine, safe for some Russian names.

    Also, if a noun doesn’t end in “-e”, it’s most likely masculine. But the reciprocal isn’t true!