I read like 4 Vonnegut books (Galapagos, Sirens of Titan, Cats cradle, slaughterhouse nr 5), and honestly all if them were pretty weird.
I read like 4 Vonnegut books (Galapagos, Sirens of Titan, Cats cradle, slaughterhouse nr 5), and honestly all if them were pretty weird.
Yeah, I vaguely remember some sentences mentioning how incompetent some wizards and witches can be.
What do you mean by mercenaries? The magical government has its aurors, which is kind of a police force working against the dark arts. And they caught many deatheaters, though were beaten from within the ministry.
I don’t think he meant that kind of cursed.
Probably more important is why Dumbledoor wasn’t able to get even ONE fitting DADA teacher, meaning without something making him unfit for the job, seemingly or inreality, after Quirrel (and we don’t know if Quirrel was a good teacher before he got Voldy in his brain).
Lockhard was an obvious fraud, Lupin was a great teacher but unfortunatly a werewolf, Mad Eye was mad/a disguised deatheater and Snape was a bad teacher all along. (Umbridge was bot chosen by Dumbledor, so she doesn’t count).
Hell, what is he even doing all day? Couldn’t he just do the DADA classes himself, if he didn’t find anyone fitting for the job?!
She does! She could have emptied multiple supermarkets, but nah, who needs food if you have books to read. Everytime I really doubt, that Hermione wouldn’t think of stocking food in her bag. So much conflict, so easily preventible…
Point taken - it really doesn’t seem thought through by Dumby. But I think its funny, that Harry is basically ruining Dumbledoors plan of protecting the stone, because he cannot stop being a hero. Yeah, thanks Harry for “saving” the stone from Voldemort -.-
I always cringe with the 7th book, where the trio is hiding and searching for horkruxes, and for some weird reason they don’t have enough food and are constantly hungry. From the reading perspective I understand, that the hunger is a device to generate conflict and make their time hard to endure, but it always baffles me.
I always thought of the polyjuice to be a restricted substance, that you can’t easily buy. And making it yourself is not easy and takes like 2 months. That would severily limit the cases. I mean, like how often do school kids in our world put drugs in food or drinks of their classmates? I’m sure there are some cases, but probably nothing wide spread
To be fair: With Dumbledoors measures with the mirror of erised they had kind of a trap. The philosophers stone obviously hidden behind some challenges, that are not really that strong, so an attacker would think the last one would also be easy. But there you only got the stonen if you didn’t want to use itn ruling out people with nefarious intentions (Dumbledoor didn’t know about Voldy in Quirrel at that time). To bad some first graders thought they needed to safe the stone. Quirrel would have been still thereuwhen Dumbledoor arrived, but Harry gave him and Voldy the opportunity to get the stone from him instead from the mirror. A bit of captain hindsight here. He maybe should have thought of that. Or maybe it is understandable that he didn’t foresee Harry fucking Potter
Surely not relevant in this case, but in the german novel “The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear” (by Walter Moers) a Bollock is a giant, very dumb creature (as in multiple km high), who at some point in his life takes his head of, puts it on the ground and spends the next centuries searching for his head. I think that is funny.
This would be easily mitigated by the keyfob using a rolling code. The attacker can record the signal, so the car will also have received it. A replay of that specific code won’t work again. That is a principle used in cheap garage door fobs for many years. So I guess keyless fobs would have at least that level of security.
Better would be a cryptographic encryption using public/private key (already done in chip cards, so common technology). Though - looking at the dumb things car manufacturers did - I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t use private/public keys for this.
The OP doesn’t say that they have a trademark. For me it sound as they don’t have one. Only a registered domain and the name of the software on github. The letter came on the grounds of the oponnents trademark.
You are just assuming, that MS actually knows and cares for what users want. In my experience its the other way round. MS will introduce a change/new behavior and user have to adjust their own behavior, because most are not willing to switch to a competitor program.
I remember very well how much my father sweared at the computer because MS changed the UI to the ribbon bar. It wasn’t at all what he wanted and MS didn’t care to ask users beforehand.
In the way it is phrased I would second this. The problem is, that it faults the disabled person for the life problem of those around them (THEY are ruining other peoples life). The discourse never ever blames the disabled person here. Doing so will land you in a bad discussive corner - together with the common argumentation of nazis. Though the question of abortion (as stated by OP) is not as clear cut.
The bee die-offs, that one typically hears about, has nothing to do with honey bees. Honey bees don’t show any signs of going extinct. Its may of the other bee species, which are dying off. And that is bad because of the species liking different specific plants, which often rely on this bee species to be pollinated.