Just curious. What do you have against Python?
Just curious. What do you have against Python?
I use a wildcard domain (with simplelogin which makes it easier to use). All the emails are sent to my normal email and it works great.
I have never heard of spammers spamming an entire domain like that. They are not human operated anyways.
So lets paint the earth white to increase its albedo instead.
So it was thinkable 🤔
No, it’s not fully self hosted.
Plex figures it out itself.
Assuming you don’t have CGNAT or any other complications, Plex just works straight away.
Apparently the A1 mini is supposed to have a mode to detect this a You just have to enable it.
It might not be cheap (or maybe it is, I dunno) but replacement parts are available. https://eu.store.bambulab.com/en-se/collections/spare-parts-for-a1-series
There is also a chance that they can rescue it without replacing anything, but it will very likely be quite time consuming and they will have to be careful to not damage anything.
This also doesn’t look too bad.
That’s assuming you can only spend a finite amount of time on each cool doodad and can’t switch between them.
Thats honesty pretty clever.