That’s part of the reason magsafe is now everywhere. Can’t misalign it if they self correct.
That’s part of the reason magsafe is now everywhere. Can’t misalign it if they self correct.
Can we just be realistic and understand that most people can’t/won’t do this. Most people do not have the time/technical knowhow to host everything themselves.
Edit: came back to this and wanted to clarify. It would be great if people could self host literally everything but I don’t get any crucial information through emails or really ever besides in person. I am more than willing to pay a reasonable amount to support privacy features but I’m not personally willing to spend 10x that amount in time to do something that will probably not work because I am not an IT person. I do not have to time to learn how to self host 26 different pieces of software that I have been told I need to self host nor do I have the spare computer parts lying around to build a machine to host them. I have looked at self hosting a matrix client because that is the one type of app that I get anything I want to keep private sent to me but my family is already using signal so I’m unconvinced that switching is worth while.
I should have made paragraphs but I forgot to my bad.
I dislike gnome to an unreasonable extent. I tried using it when I first tried linux and it did not vibe.
IDK I asked my wife and she agreed. I think it has to do with the lighting and the expression on her face.
The first one looks like a porn parody and I dont know why.
Also schools that thought just seeing the tech used would give you innate knowledge on how to use a computer.
This is the only one of these that I simply do not believe I am genz and admittedly more into computers than average but I have never met anyone who couldn’t figure out to right click to make a new folder unless they mean that they didn’t know how to use the terminal to do it.
From what I’ve heard you’d probably see a spike in medical deaths basically immediately.
The app or piefed as a whole?
a lot of them died because they never bring in new people and people leave for a variety of reasons.
It really is interesting how simultaneously big and small the world it now. I have times where people call an artist the biggest up in comer and I have never heard of them but they somehow have 10mil monthly listeners.
I got off tiktok a while ago and the only thing that I miss is small musicians that post their early works to the platform.
Their music is interesting I’ll definitely have to check out more of it to see how I feel about it.
Or there is only a cheap option or an option over 10x as expensive with no middle ground.
that is indeed how you mention someone. Yeah being pedantic for the sale of it isn’t something I understand. Unless it impacts my ability to enjoy the story I couldn’t care less.
What do you think politics are?
what is a bio brand?
I have read some novels where their history straight up breaks if you think about it for too long. Not saying this happened in this case but I read a fantasy novel that had a history that implied that people existed in the wrong times. Like this person was said to have died in X year yet someone met someone who was born in X+100 years.
I think I’m going to bake something this weekend. Maybe my version of the chocolate chips recipe my great grandma taught me.
all religions change. The gnostics were my favorite offshoot because it seems more believable then God being good after committing multiple genocides.
Every single one. They ethier white wash (not in the making people white way but sometimes they too) or villify everything about it. There is no place for nuance in modern retellings for some reason.
durability systems in non crafting games suck all of the joy out for me. I get weirdly anxious about “optimizing” my weapons and end up only using bad weapons and making the game needlessly hard on myself.