I learned about this game last week, but for what I can tell is co-op only, right?
I learned about this game last week, but for what I can tell is co-op only, right?
Yeah sure, and that’s is cool in smaller devices where on top of protecting it, it makes the device more portable. But at this size, I don’t know man.
Thanks again for your efforts. Maybe it would be a good idea to include a link to an index of old issues instead of only the last one. Or maybe no because this are news and maybe old stuff is less important.
I don’t see much point on a folding device of that size if it doesn’t have a second screen, seems like lot of space wasted.
When you are a fluid any position becomes comfortable.
I had the first one for a couple of weeks and never liked its shape, too straight on the sides for my taste. Had to return it.
They are boring as fuck, they feel more like a chore list than a game and they all have Denuvo. Not even free I will get any of them. Fun fact, I have quite a few Ubisoft games from freebies here and there and have yet to play any of them.
I must be among the few that liked Wolfensteing Young Blood, quite a bit indeed. I acknowledge it is not as cool as the mainline games but the shooting is in there and there is a lot of stuff to shoot at which is what I like the most about those games I hope they come with a new entry in the series soon.
People talk about what the media tell them to talk. AAA have budget to invest in marketing that target the media. Indies do not have the budget. Hence why (almost) nobody talk about indie games.
That’s Max Paine for me :)
They clearly said price under $700 so it definitely will be $699.
I played it on Game Pass, is short and fun but nothing to write home about. It doesn’t have the replayability of something like World War Z for instance.
I just lost interest in AAA gaming, my 3080 is enough for AA and indie games. By the time my PC dies I most probably switch to and APU, by then today AAA will be tomorrow AA.
And it only took 15 years for them to realize that. Bravo!
30 hours is more than enough for me.
If only they fired as many CEO as they fire devs.
Hope it eventually releases on PC, I played all Housemarque games and all of them have been incredible.
Will believe when I see it, if I see them, as in available for purchase at MSRP.
Today, launch day, in Spain the available models range from €800 to €1000+