I assumed you meant electricity since solar only makes that type of energy efficiently (and sub 100C)
I assumed you meant electricity since solar only makes that type of energy efficiently (and sub 100C)
Don’t forget industrial heat. If we had infinite electricity for free everywhere there would still be fossil fuels burned for industrial heat. We need more technology to finish it like plasma torches.
No need to despair, the technology is being actively developed and a lot of the sub 600 Celsius temps have an electric solution now.
Depends on where you live and your situation. You either limit your personal CO2 or the society’s CO2 or even both. Most of my suggestions will make or save you money over time.
For personal you could do these, most of these will pay themselves back within 10 years in savings.
Otherwise if you don’t feel like any of those investing in solar companies or battery production companies will make it easier for them to finance expansions to their operations and maybe even make you some money along the way.
If you live in the UK or applicable countries getting in on Octopus energy co-op energy production is a good way to invest the money and reduce CO2 at the same time.
Don’t forget that an easy way to limit your carbon footprint is free. Notably plastics, aluminum, steel, other metals, concrete and beef.
To limit society’s footprint you can show up to city Council meetings and advocate for bike paths and public transport which really goes a long way. Showing up with a couple of buddies, making them talk and buying beer for them after in one of the most cost effective ways to stop climate change. Often city council members just need some people to back them up when proposing the CO2 negative urban planning improvements.
Stopping climate change is all about taking small steps towards the solution, asking this question on lemmy is a great start.
Also use alias for it like “hist” then do “hist stuff”
Putting hot food on polystyrene plates
Add Alien vs Predator to the list
Notably missing from all the answers here is dinosaur pasta since everyone likes them.
You can change your hate to love by using vim
Things are moving fast! Can’t wait for them to figure out clinker for cement.