it seems like one of the key defining principals of the fediverse is platform evolution - mastodon, bluesky, and lemmy are just going to be footnotes in history.
it seems like one of the key defining principals of the fediverse is platform evolution - mastodon, bluesky, and lemmy are just going to be footnotes in history.
eh… yes and no. I’ve lived in southern Louisiana and have been to the bayou any number of times - for the most part, the people that live there have houses on stilts as they deal with annual flooding from hurricanes - they also, seeming each and every one of them, own multiple boats and/or other watercraft. no, they’ll be fine. the cities in southern Louisiana will be really fucked if they dont build seawalls, but they will - probably. eventually, and likely too late, but it’ll happen - the Port of New Orleans is critical infrastructure, vital for international trade.
ah, so if it’s entirely open water then it’s not wetlands any more. i gotcha. various species are going to need to adapt/evolve then
wetlands are in a state of drowning
isnt that what wetlands do?
probably just as soon as city sized arcologies are built and everyone moves into them
Bernie’s retiring from politics then?
could still play out that way - but Nigeria isnt the most stable place, a hard shove or two would easily topple their house of cards
Rwanda is blameless then?
perhaps Brazil or whomever should stop burning it down?
get on a boat?
yes - but if there’s no enforcement then laws are rather meaningless.
did you not even look at the trade deficit numbers in the link you posted?
rofl the pics in that article. never change, Africa
looks like China has vastly more to lose.
so what? the media is stored/hosted elsewhere. the domains are just an access method. this is just as effective as nailing the front door shut and ignoring the windows/back door.
russia’s space program is sort of shit these days though?
never heard of supervised consumption before. was picturing a bunch of guards staring down at a buffet restaurant until I read the article.
why would Israel care about what China wants?
first two paragraphs should be enough to convince anyone that it’s not news, just a highly biased opinion piece