Thanks, didn’t know about that feature. :) For anyone else - it’s under the “link” button.
Thanks, didn’t know about that feature. :) For anyone else - it’s under the “link” button.
Good idea, here it is: :)
I considered the RiseUp Pad, but knowing that pads are editable, I initially decided against - wanted to provide a read-only source.
They want it again? Oh well, predictable as a clockwork.
An article from 2020, when Trump & co wanted it last time:
What Is Antifa, the Movement Trump Wants to Declare a Terror Group?
What they failed to learn last time:
Rather, antifa is more of a loose movement of activists whose followers share some philosophies and tactics.
Sadly, Rojava is incredibly land-locked. It is possible to deliver assistance in various forms (from woolen socks and SDR cards to items one won’t mention on the net) to folks who defend Ukraine… but I don’t know a single organization except Heyva Sor (Red Crescent, humanitarian and medical assistance) that reaches North-Eastern Syria (even Heyva Sor is better than nothing, for all I know they depend on imported antibiotics).
If anyone knows of channels that can get assistance to those people, clues would be welcome.
I hope the HTS and SNA don’t have overlapping interests and listen to different people. They might hold each other in check, at least for a while, and thus prevent restarting of the civil war.
I hope the folks in North-Eastern Syria get a tolerable (or even favourable) political solution - some kind of extended autonomy within Syria.
But the wider context is Erdogan waiting for Trump to make deals with him (and also Israel seems to be trying to ruin its relations with any new government of Syria pre-emptively) - so if I were them, I’d keep drone batteries charged. They have a snowball’s chance in hell.
I did’t cry for the CEO, but also didn’t cheer for the assassin. I don’t know if he was the assassin. Cops seem to think so, but I can’t double-check.
If the assassin’s motive was revenge for someone’s misery or avoidable death, the motive is understandable. People sometimes make such decisions for similar reasons since time unknown.
If the assassin’s political complaint was that the US ranked fourty second in life expectancy among countries, despite ranking first in expense per capita - that is likely true, and should be a big deal as long as it remains so.
(Obviously, it won’t automatically improve from offing a health insurance CEO - many of them are indirectly responsible for many person-years of needless suffering or loss of lives, but there is a socio-economic framework which ensures that their positions get repopulated with their kind of people, so one getting killed can only highlight the problem.)
To any statist wanting to fix their state, I would recommend a tax-based a single-payer healthcare system in an eyeblink.
To other anarchists, I don’t think I’d have to explain the benefits of solidarity and collective bargaining. They’re obvious.
As for the US: not a chance within the next 4 years.
I have had many encounters with cops, and I decide about the extent of cooperating with them on a case-by-case basis.
Yes, it’s probably one of those things which people don’t sign with their name and photo - it might burn some bridges and close possibilities for people working under the same label.
In general, it’s my impression that Ukrainian anarchists are materially supportive of like-minded soldiers and morally supportive of draft dodgers.