so it was prophetic in a way
so it was prophetic in a way
hey only 86 million people didn’t vote
there’s a reason why you don’t want to joke around as an authority that’s more practical than “it’s tasteless”: you simply want to make sure people take it seriously when you say things. you don’t want to declare something important and have people go “they’re fucking around again”.
the atari 2600 looks like it could take you back to the future with enough jigawatts
what the other guy said barely scratches the surface. he did so many things, shouting out a straight up neonazi propaganda channel as one of his favorites was one of them. he’s a pussy too, he always has this plausible deniability shit ready to go. but that only works if you’re stupid. you can “accidentally” do nazi shit only so many times before people catch on.
that’s more respectable than nazis hiding behind jokes
maybe one time is fine. this dude did it again and again. you can only go “oops I accidentally nazi’d” so many times. plus even if you’re not a so-called “actual nazi” there’s not much distinction in why exactly you use your platform to push or normalize nazism. I don’t give a fuck what’s in your heart; ironically fucking a goat is still fucking a goat.
oh great, Linux certainly needs a nazi seal of approval
it’s spelled img - ur
no, it’s spelled imgur. I know what img stands for which is why I said it would be one thing to call it imgr. the u doesn’t make sense and it hardens the g. it’s funny that you talk about how it’s customary that img stands for image but you act like ‘ur’ is also a thing by itself.
well it is, just not in that way. if your img-ur breakup made any sense for pronouncing img as if it’s independent then why not consider what ur stands for? it’s a shortening of your or you’re. so why not pronounce it image your? because it’s bullshit and the spelling is ridiculous.
as it’s spelled: im gur.
It’s one thing to name it imgr, but putting a fucking u after the g makes it a hard g in literally every instance. the letter u is the reason the g is pronounced as a hard g in words that otherwise wouldn’t need a u: fragile / guile, digest / guest, etc.
I laughed out loud when I first learned that imgur is supposed to be pronounced as "imager’… well you fuckin chose the wrong combination of letters for that didn’t ya
It’s not their fault. I mean fuck them, but it’s really the fault of the patent offices that allow such horseshit.
also the best thing about the minigame patent is that it lasted just long enough for loading screens to become too short to justify coding minigames for the sole purpose of filling that time.
FEAR I think is my favorite, although they have a crazy lineup. I even loved playing gruntz.
shadow of mordor was really good too, although fuck wb for preventing the one innovative part of it from being implemented in any game (other than the sequel), not repurposing it for batman which is such an obvious candidate, and also after finally giving us hope to see it again in the upcoming wonder woman game, shutting down the studio and canceling that too in the process.
seriously if the entirety of wb went down in flames I would celebrate its anniversary. fuck these vultures.
i pronounce “gay” as “jay-why” because of the bloody alphabet
pretty much everything monolith did was fantastic. rare studio with wall to wall bangers. of course wb had to put an end to it. fucking shitstains.
so I assume you also say “jit-hub”?
I’d be careful, weirdos who wish the war went the other way feel emboldened lately
this would’ve easily been one of my favorite games back in the day.