I was all for it until he started razing the orphanages.
The first was funny. The fifth felt like he was pushing impropriety a little far.
I was all for it until he started razing the orphanages.
The first was funny. The fifth felt like he was pushing impropriety a little far.
What was different in the spellcrafting system from Oblivion to Morrowind?
I’m confused by this comment. “The original is even better” reads like you are informing TO about the original. But you’d expect them to be aware of it, what with them referencing the joke nickname and saying “a new variation”.
It’s mostly confusing because there are clearer ways of posting the original comic for the uninformed than referencing the only person certain to have seen it.
botulism has gotta drive the price down.
Really? Figured it was raw.
…is the raw can cheaper?
Didja cook it?
I find it as funny as the original post
I wouldn’t even really call this recursion. This is closer to a wrapper around the enjoy function to set variables so that “enjoy” doesn’t throw an error.
Eh, it’s consistent because it’s not entirely right.
“Slop” was a term for pointless, shitty, “earn a quick buck”-motivated commodities way before AI kicked open the door. A synonym with “schlock.”
Didn’t even assume it was a lie. Just figured anon was ignorant.
That is also my default assumption.
You speak about people reflexively picking their teams. But what about people that reflexively put everyone they meet on teams?
I hold no allegiance to Team Testosterone but, if everyone who sees me says, “oh, yeah, you’re Team Testosterone. And also I know everything I need to know about you now.” It gets a bit grating.
It is safer for vulnerable people to make those assumptions and I won’t begrudge them their safety. But I don’t have to like how it invalidates the lifetime of interactions I’ve had and I won’t feel compelled to laugh when a offhand joke necessarily implicates me because of the team I’ve been assigned to.
Probably wouldn’t, but some might be a bit miffed if someone said “shame men love crashing planes”. Even though it’s true most commercial pilots are men, so most plane crashes are done by men.
“Breed”, to me, reads as a biological process to create progeny.
Florida-mans fuck.
Just photograph the baby before and after the pub marathon? Use yer head, bruv.
I have a sick compulsion where I read the comments on websites, willingly bathing my eyes in filth.
Feels like the viewers of manga and anime are indoctrinated with their own tropes, forcing “titles” on characters just because they are expecting to see them.
<Female doesn’t align with male main character> “Ah, here’s the fucking bitch character she’s so fucking annoying why hasn’t the author fucking killed off already?!!1” It’s deranged.
I believe it started like that because it “looks weak” and/or “effete”, e.g. wrist Who knows if another meaning has taken over it since like the early 2000s.
No, the “Nobody” is meant to show that the following line is a conversation started apropos of nothing.
A lot of memes don’t need a starting context and aren’t in the form of a conversation, so the “Nobody” is pointless and betrays that there wasn’t much thought put in.
No, sounds like the solar system just got pushed out of phase with the rest of their universe.
Seems more like politicians were bribed lobbied to cut funding by car makers than they were counting coins and said we’d get more (as a government) if everyone just drove from home.
Is Disney publicly traded? Because you’re not taking into account stock trading in the insane-o market where speculation on possible public opinion can devalue a product by 100% for 2 days. They could be losing possible trade money if that 34% disapproval caused stockholders to short before other people sold and the prices go into freefall.
It all makes sense.