Thank you. So this is like the weed is legal at a state level but not federal type of things?
Thank you. So this is like the weed is legal at a state level but not federal type of things?
I mean putting a lot of sticky stuff in a sock will usually do that.
Did someone report this? Figured since we did Americans and Europeans, Asians were fair game too.
Wallace or Susan. Almost every place I’ve been HR is the freakiest of the groups and generally doesn’t care. (And yes that’s annecdotal and I’m sure there will be others who say they’re the worst)
That’s called the bootstrap paradox if you want to look that up.
Also I’m kind of confused how quickly you’re giving the UK the cold shoulder. It was in the EU for 47 years and has only been out of it for 4 (less than a tenth of the time), and yet you seem really quick to dismiss it and what it may or may not have brought to the EU. Why is that?
If Europeans looked at states like countries it’d make more sense to them. Hell it almost is with the size of states vs counties, the amount of land and the fact that every freaking state still has its own set of laws that may differ.
Isn’t the UK in Europe though? The statement was about Europe, not the EU.
Agree with the “challenge” it part. It feels like they’re using the “sick” part as a loophole because most of these are affluent neighborhoods with golf courses and manicured yards.