That’s right there with calling JS, PowerShell and Bash “programming languages”. I said what I said.
Edit: I’m a developer myself and it looks like I triggered everyone just as the post said. Thanks for playing!
That’s right there with calling JS, PowerShell and Bash “programming languages”. I said what I said.
Edit: I’m a developer myself and it looks like I triggered everyone just as the post said. Thanks for playing!
Its giving off “repost this message on Facebook so that Meta can’t use your comments” energy
From an administrator standpoint I used to hate containers at first because I was worried about having 3 different versions of a support library on a system all with separate potential vulnerabilities. However we’ve managed to shift our security posture to the left and now all containers are scanned and gated before release approval. This ensures that the devs have the flexibility they want and I have more of the peace of mind of not having to maintain the libraries anymore.
I’ll try to do the best I can. The Kennedy Center has long been revered as one of the most prestigious auditoriums in the nation. If you performed there you “made it” and were one of the top performers of your field. Pianists and other musicians, classical singers, etc.
Well recently Trump fired the board and put in his lackeys that instated him as the chair. The “J6 choir” I believe was a group of people who were in prison for their attempts to overthrow the government on January 6th and were subsequently jailed.
I’m sure you can see where this is going from here but we’ve gone from the best of the best performing there to a political stunt of people who tried to overthrow the government and don’t have the talent behind it.
Did you have a 401k or an IRA? Where did you put it to not get taxed on it?
How much is Pi-hole worth it assuming I’m using UBO and also have most non-ad based streaming services?
I’m thinking phones and less often used devices?
One of the reasons I actually like Apple Pay (besides the convenience) is the fact that it randomly tokenizes your information so stores can’t track you as easily. That’s why the push for loyalty programs so they can continue to track you where they can’t by card anymore.
Why in the world are you using company resources on a personal device? You should always seperate the two for your own peace of mind as well as privacy.
I called one day to see how close I was to being able to remove PMI and the rep said “eh, you’re close enough… I removed it, you’ll see your updated amount on your next payment”.
I was surprised how easy it was.
I wonder if this is why their store has been offline for over a month. Had an order cancelled, after sitting for 3 weeks. Got a voucher for 50% off “when the store open”. Still waiting…
This is one of the few times I’m glad to see a corporation large enough to stand up to a government. You know Apple is gonna laugh them off.
I would love a round watch that uses an analog face but can still buzz me with notifications and do Apple Pay (or Google Pay). I’ve found ones that meet the first two but not the last one. I use my watch to pay way too much.
Nah, you generally can depreciate capitalized assets /s
I mean he needed his MySpace top 8
I just pulled out a copy of Office 97 when cleaning up. No way in hell I’m throwing that one away.
Okay so the “S” models stood for “Super” which was a slight step up from the base. What are “D” models? “Duper”?
Here’s the original thread
Don’t forget Natalie Portman covered in hot grits along with Natalie Dormer and a clone of the former.
Is there a count of the number of people that have left (fired/resigned/laid off) any US government agency?