Anyone else having trouble reading the thing?
When you have an unflushable turd, you need a plumber ;)
The Sextuple-U
The US army has proven to be very good at fighting conventional wars but utterly incompetent in fights against guerrillas.
Also they can’t bomb infrastructure to starve the rebels out without fucking themselves over too, since they need that infrastructure themselves.
Eventually there is blood but no shit.
Better red than bidet!
Another thing to note is people keep saying that if ideology didn’t gimp the war effort, the Nazis would’ve won. However, the ideology was the whole reason the war even happened in the first place.
Not American, but at least a few do. And they’re exporting it. My old English teacher back when I lived in the Dominican Republic was an American missionary who taught to fund her religious activities. Guess what beliefs about science and politics she was spreading along with her beliefs about baptism of the spirit?