Odyssey was my last AC game and I feel the same. Watching reviews and all, this seems more like typical Ubisoft slop, nothing new. It’s sad, I don’t think we’ll ever get the magic back from the AC2 days.
Odyssey was my last AC game and I feel the same. Watching reviews and all, this seems more like typical Ubisoft slop, nothing new. It’s sad, I don’t think we’ll ever get the magic back from the AC2 days.
They came out with this feature recently that makes any sort of tracking technically impossible:
I don’t know how to code, but I did a lot of internet searching on the commands to use (since I was also new to Linux). When I started to self host I was lucky the projects I wanted were popular enough that they had good documentation. Eventually after spinning up a lot of services I got the hang of the general structure of docker compose files and that’s the extent of any kind of new language I learned, haha
Bypass paywalls
Was on Firefox add on store before it got taken down, then GitHub and Gitlab, so the dev decided to host it here
You can check his X account too