I don’t put stickers on my cars typically. But man is this paranoid to the extreme. Unless you’re driving an expensive car it’s unlikely it would make you a target for anything other than road rage.
I don’t put stickers on my cars typically. But man is this paranoid to the extreme. Unless you’re driving an expensive car it’s unlikely it would make you a target for anything other than road rage.
But that’s the same as you getting fired, because you don’t get paid. The autonomy is only there if you can afford it.
Nah, your clients are the boss.
I hope he doesn’t run for president. The last thing we need is for the Dems to lose another one.
No, because you don’t own the means of production.
No, more like half of those 2/3rds are going to bitch about all this and vot the same way (or continue to not vote) in the next election.
That sounds like more of a mobile usage problem than Nextcloud.
What freedom if we lost that war? And the Jewish people who would have been exterminated if it went on? The disabled the queer people? Sounds like you only value certain lives.
You’re standing on an imaginary soap box, and you can only do that because those people were sent to war.
Oh fuck off with that self righteous shit. You’d have to be a complete idiot to make this argument. You have to be really young to still think you can make this argument and not look naive and stupid.
Yeah, stopping the Nazis turned out bad for everyone. Dumbest fucking statement.
I think you misunderstood that they were citing that as a feature difference between your own domain and the free services.
I definitely didn’t just make it up.
Also your spouse may be entitled to a portion of your payout.
“It might be time to polish up your resume, Slack appears to be online.”
Yeah I switched to my own domain and Cloudflare some time ago because Duckdns is down too often.
In World War II Europe and the US were democracies that relied on conscription to save democracy and defeat dictatorships.
Yeah I think there’s some jumble and/or missing important details in OPs rundown. Sounds like at the very least he was an immature prick and the world is better off that he didn’t have a kid. She’s probably better off for it too.
Setup is also huge pain and it has compatibility issues with clients that use the subsonic API. Every step of the way something I needed from it had issues. I gave up running one funkwhale instance for multiple users and instead spun up 4 Navidrome instances. Not only was it easier and more stable it also uses less resources than one funkwhale setup.
As much as I love the idea of funkwhale it’s just so far away from usable.
This was posted to explain that you require no defense.