I got that vibe too, and that vibe with a lot of movies now. Everything has to become a trilogy, nothing can just be good on it’s own
Little bit of everything!
Avid Swiftie (come join us at [email protected] )
Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)
I live for 90s TV sitcoms
I got that vibe too, and that vibe with a lot of movies now. Everything has to become a trilogy, nothing can just be good on it’s own
Jupiter Ascending was doing some awesome stuff with worldbuilding that you can tell the studio just wimped out on. Can’t get too sci fi, might scare away audiences.
God a takeover from Microsoft. Talk about a way for it to become immediately uncool. This fun thing just immediately needing a live account and Xbox shit all over it.
That being said I’m still leaving, but think of how accelerated it’s endshittification would have been
Did a better job explaining it than that entire “article”. Hollywood just doesn’t want to listen. We love our franchises because they were good. They have a following because they were good. Hollywood insists that to be risky you only get a small budget, so they’re scrappy and take risks, fans love it, and it takes off. Unfortunately suits somehow always miss the whole bit about how it was the risky and daring story telling that brought fans in, and just drop that in later seasons for safe feelgoods, and so it’s just boring.
Let the writers free. Stop writing by committee and just let them do their thing. No more marketing teams, no more legals, no more “we’ll lose men 18-25” people. If you make it good, they will come
I’m really sick of these streaming companies starting things they don’t want to finish because it was only moderately profitable instead of wildly profitable.
We should have contracts that mandate minimum number of seasons for all of this.
Like them rebooting Harry Potter. Why would I get invested when you’re just going to cancel it in three seasons? You want me to be invested? Put your money where your mouth is, out up the money for the entire series now if you are that sure of it. If you’re not willing to commit, why should I?
Why religious people think atheists are bad. Because if there isn’t a big reward then why would you ever be good? I don’t know, empathy? Which they clearly show they don’t have much of if they need to be rewarded for doing things as simple as not judging others
haven’t yet, but it’s a fork so I assume it handles the same way as FF
Personally I switched to LibreWolf and it’s a drop in replacement. I don’t know if it’ll be my forever decision, but I’ve been using it for 4 straight days and don’t even notice it.
Also I saw your account is only 2 says old, assuming it isn’t an alt for another, welcome!
Eh it bothers us too, but as you go through college you’ll realize more and more that unlike grade school you don’t need to care about other people’s opinions. That person is just a dick and make it very obvious, so you know you don’t want to spend time with them. Vs high school where you’re more or less forced into close quarters with them daily.
I think that’s one of those skills that we adults just pick up slowly, not giving a shit. I remember being your age and being the same way, I was personally very emotional and took things very personally. As I grew up I guess I just learned with experience to not care. It’s a skill we all kind of learn, it’s just not very fun learning it.
They literally said they had rights to everything you typed into Firefox, and then said for “necessary” purposes. Then in the same stroke of the pen removed all references to “Never selling your data”. Nope, it’s black and white for me. This video can try and convince me that “I don’t understand legalese”, but I read it right there.
Legalese is just very precise wording. When they use something as vague as “necessary” without defining what necessary means - it means it has no definition. Necessary to who? For them to operate Firefox but will never leave my PC? Then that would have been something they could have written into the actual agreement. Does it mean Necessary for Mozilla to maintain their market position by selling data? Again, we have no idea because it wasn’t written down. No, the vagueness was there on purpose. They know what data I’m typing into my browser and how much it’s worth.
And I haven’t even mentioned how they tried to tell me how I could not use my browser on my computer to look at “explicit imagery”.
No, fuck Mozilla, they were very clear in what they said.
Best thing to do for things like that is let them just roll off. Either don’t respond and engage, or simply reply something like “Uh, yup, I guess so, why?” Make them explain it without asking them to explain it. It would for sure go something like:
You: “Yeah I guess so, why?”
Oh I just think it’s funny that freshman just are so excited to take part
You: “I am excited to take part, is that funny?” or “I am excited to take part, this is my favorite subject” - Make them feel guilty for trying to call you out.
Now all of a sudden they’re the ones called out, and you didn’t even do it. Shuts that shit down real quick. Note that you didn’t defend yourself, you didn’t get defensive, you didn’t even play into their “joke”. So what if you’re excited! If you’re in America you’re paying 10s of thousands of dollars to be there, why be apathetic about it. Then cross your fingers that someone else says “Me too!” and the jerk just quietly fades away.
That sort of interaction will all of a sudden make them obviously a jerk for saying it, and they’ll try to backtrack or something but you’ll just play it off like it’s nothing, and move on. Meanwhile everyone else will be thinking “Wow they were an asshole for saying that” to you.
Right? Try to kill one program and someone else will create their own. It’s honestly not hard. Have a secret, take that and your data, run it through math, numbers come out. Store the numbers and secret separately
In the fediverse? Same as outside. It’s a solution looking for a problem. We generate our own content here, everyone is here because of the rest of the automated bots everywhere else. Look at lemmit online, it’s an instance dedicated to mirroring reddit subs for us here, but it’s a ghost town because we all pretty quickly realized it was boring interacting with bots.
A bot has to have a good purpose here. Like an auto archive bot so people click a better link, or bots like wikibot. I’m not saying AI is useless here, but I haven’t seen a good actual use case for it here yet
Number one rule is don’t be a dick. If I notice tone is going more towards personal attacks or being mean rather than honest arguments that’s where my line is. If you can’t get your argument out without resulting to insulting someone then it wasn’t a very good argument.
Yeah, with standards you have to pick your battles like that. It would have been perceived badly, and anything else Firefox would have wanted to do would have been shot down with that used as the example. A good stake in the ground they made was with manifest v3 and not arbitrarily trying to stop ad blockers, and they had the power to do that, granted less of a standard.
I think people need to separate her acting ability from the roles she usually plays. Baywatch? Not a great role, but I know two reasons she was chosen for that role. True Detective? She was legit perfect for that role, and same with white lotus.
I’ll say she doesn’t have large range, but what she plays she plays well.
Of course they’re united, it’s the only thing that makes sense. Blackwater, Mac, Jenny, Davey, all questions to have answered
Yeah I used to upgrade immediately but there were always just a few bugs. Now I wait a couple months before taking the plunge