Meanwhile, James rocks up with Notepad++
Meanwhile, James rocks up with Notepad++
Most password managers will have an auto type (not auto fill, that is different) so you can still automate your login.
My old bank required you to have a password 12 characters long exactly, and to login you have to give the characters in specific places.
I would ask you what are the 4th, 7th, and 11th letters of your password.
Anyone want to guess why that aren’t my bank anymore?
To distract the public from something else that is happening
No most of them will have some form of nest egg that will let them live on in luxury. Family trusts/offshore accounts, etc
Try to access the help or stats menu.
Having some blackberry flashbacks with that keyboard.
8ɯ ʇoʍ n
The underlying technology of the internet is a global game of chinese whispers.
Your ISP only knows what their neighbours know who only know what their neighbours know.
Graham Norton. But he isn’t for everyone.
Skipping stones over the local water reservoir.
I sucked at it, but it was still time away from my sisters.
Don’t know, don’t care.
Both of those are demands.
Both tbh.
Same mate.
Me: Hey guys, I plugged in this wifi AP to the network so we can work and walk about.
People: uhh, what brand is it?
Me: Huawei, it was super cheap from a dude in the parking lot. Here is the … Why am I being harries away be security?
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