Yeah but I am also professionally successful so this meme can eat my ass.
Yeah but I am also professionally successful so this meme can eat my ass.
And this is precisely why a tab is terrible for code. That convention makes sense for rich text but not at all for indenting code, which is the entire origin of the “spaces vs tabs” debate.
As long as a tab is just 4 spaces
Abortion is not a moral hazard at all. Most people who might exist don’t. The whole “everyone agrees abortion is awful…” shit is obnoxious. I legitimately do not care. I am far more concerned about the lives of actual children. Once we seriously tackle that issue, we can move upstream, and this should be viewed as both incentive and a purity test for those who pretend to care about the “unborn.”
Too soon?
The entire problem with this conversation is that “liberal” has become an overloaded term. The concept was originally anti-feudal so the context of “private property” was very different from the industrial context Marx would eventually add. You can see this in the US and French revolutionary writers who are clearly more focused on the idea of “just laws” being a product of political self determination which requires individual liberty. And now we have modern liberal progressives who have extended that idea to a kind of radical inclusivity, and modern leftists who even got as far as suggesting it is a critical aspect of the post scarcity state.
But Hegel is controversial for a reason. Elements of the Philosophy of Right is filled with equivocation and even Hegel’s personal grudges. This is why everyone just projects their own ideas into Hegel’s writing - because he spends a lot of time not saying much. Also I do not recall the conclusion being that free men inevitably create autocracy. I recall it being more like "I haven’t figured out what comes next for the state "
Isn’t he the one who dropped n bombs on camera?
You literally just use a sponge and some bleach spray and like a minute of your time. If you replenish it daily your normal water chlorine should keep most of the bad shit at bay.
Hah, I am all over that first thread already. Also in that second thread. This discussion is getting pretty out of band at this point, but I’ve actually thought about proper cryptographic solutions to this problem, but it would require modifying activity pub itself. Which is why I’m very much in favor of voting agent anarchy to force the issue.
Do you have a link to any discussions on this? I have browsed local posts on but can’t find it. I’d be curious to see more context in support of the trusted instance concept.
Yeah I guess for me I don’t really trust any admins. At the end of the day that’s a permanent database of user activity which could be passed along to anyone, so ideally the minimum threat surface would be that it exists only on the home instance.
Also, I kind of just don’t get the point of obfuscating for some and not others unless there are some politics going on behind the scenes, which just gives me even more cause for concern. I think this is a killer feature for piefed and really addresses a major concern I have with Lemmy so it is just disheartening to hear that the functionality has been nerfed for seemingly no good reason.
One? Like a solid 10% of the thread wtf
Yeah and honestly why use a turn signal? They’ll figure it out when you turn. And speed limits are obviously set too slow because they assume everyone will do ten over, right? And there’s like a solid three seconds after the light turns red where there’s basically zero chance anyone will be in the intersection! Social cohesion, order and civic pride are meaningless. Move on.
One time someone gave us a free cart at Aldi and my wife took the quarter instead of paying it forward. This is the worst thing she has ever done as far as I can tell.
That is stupid and defeats the point and makes me rethink my decision to support piefed.
There are plenty of ways to handle double voting without plaintext user strings. The fact that it’s done this way is just lazy and poor design and doesn’t actually do anything to prevent a rogue instance from vote spamming with fake users.
Man, I go barefoot inside and the second I feel some dirt or sand or something on the floor I break out the vacuum. I can’t imagine going a whole week.
I am seriously learning how to plumb gas lines to save like $600. So if you don’t hear from me, it will be because I killed myself and probably injured several neighbors.
You are supposed to use your hand as leverage to lever it up the first quarter inch or so, like a traditional wine key. Then pull from there.