I knew that UI had something to hide!
Never trust an overly fancy UI…
I knew that UI had something to hide!
Never trust an overly fancy UI…
Why is LinkedIn not on there? Or does that count as an auto immune disease?
What you have here is a Moogle from the Final Fantasy franchise…
It’s all about the nuances… baby boomers as a cohort are responsible for many of today’s problems and yet individual boomers are not. The elderly get roped into the defence of boomers even though there’s plenty of older people than them that actually helped setup the prosperity that boomers ruined.
Karens are frustrating and their voices are loud, but to even compare them to predator class humans like billionaires or rapists is waay out of touch.
Public companies aren’t capable of innovation, only acquisition.
Good question! Leonardo DaVinci was born in the 16th century and he came up with flying machines too. It’s a very different problem to have a key person, or five, who have vital engineering and design knowledge versus the numbers needed to uphold an industry. I was more talking about the latter.
You might produce a few geniuses to write your whitepapers - but you need scores of them to manufacture vehicles, bridges, roads, buildings, etc. I’ve updated my original comment with an asterisk alluding to this point.
Donald Trump’s Gilead is not going to inspire a lot of people to become a software engineer in a time when we’re celebrating AI replacing jobs. Trump and MAGAs vision will not drive the world to do business with America - it will drive investors and new customers away, shrinking the US tech industry and eroding American dominance.
I find it really funny the US are trying to maintain their global position as tech leader while in the midst of a fascist take over. You know what’s incompatible with a thriving tech industry? Fascism. You can survive a little while after a take over, but eventually your rigorous little Christian commune of a society isn’t going to produce enough* engineers, scientists or anyone with a taste level worth a damn.
Zuck is the sexual abstinence clown. No one can get horny with that face around!
It’s really demoralising scraping by as an IT person in a western democracy, and then realising the outsource contractors your company hired for cheaper have a much better life than you. Simply because their earnings hold up better with the cost of living where they are.
Yeah and they grew up in a mansion in Argentina, or Cape Town, for “the climate”…
There was a legitimate use case in art to draw on generative AI for concepts and a stopgap for smaller tasks that don’t need to be perfect. While art is art, not every designer out there is putting work out for a gallery - sometimes it’s just an ad for a burger.
However, as time has gone on for the industry to react I think that the business reality of generative AI currently puts it out of reach as a useful tool for artists. Profit hungry people in charge will always look to cut corners and will lack the nuance of context that a worker would have when deciding when or not to use AI in the work.
But you could provide this argument about any tool given how fucked up capitalism is. So I guess that my 2c - generative AI is a promising tool but capitalism prevents it from being truly useful anytime soon.
Not pictured: The giant crate full of dildo’s, furry costumes and assorted fetish gear under the bed.
The fact that he’s doing it slightly more slowly, but on a massively larger scale should not change anything.
This is something that I hope society learns to comprehend and act on more effectively in the future.
A lot of today’s huge problems we’ve known about since I was a kid 30 years ago - climate change, corporate greed, housing crisis, immigration, etc. I spent most of my times growing up arguing with adults, having my lived experience questioned. I thought there would be a tipping point when I started working, or paying my own way through life, where the condescension would stop but it never did.
The current older generation has lived longer than any other in history, and they’ve clung to control for as long as possible. Even when younger leaders come in, they’re still trapped in these outdated values—Victorian at best—that keep pulling us backwards. Somehow, they’ve convinced themselves that investors deserve their returns more than people deserve to live. It’s soul crushing.
A little bit, yeah. Trump supporters are also very desperate people, many of them turned to the dark side due to grievances with the world. And not all of them are always imagined. The wrong part is the conclusions these people come to and the way they go about correcting what they think is wrong…
Conspiracy theories are rife with these people. UFO ones where aliens poke you in the butt and interview you about the planet and wipe your memory are very common in these groups.
Meanwhile as a progressive the aliens I fantasise about are like… enlightened and compassionate lol.