There is a small, idiotic group that thinks that. Unfortunately that group is growing.
There is a small, idiotic group that thinks that. Unfortunately that group is growing.
What does 5 going on 40 mean?
Why did you ask if the removed word is removed?
Oh that’s why Musk wants to go to space.
That’s pretty obvious what camp he’s in. Not just “fiscal conservative”, it’s burn down the government. You don’t need to extend past that to his father. Point is he’s openly taken his stand.
I believe he tweeted something about the government stealing your money. He’s taken his stand.
On campus, nobody really knows what’s up with that guy, other than that he’s not like any of the other students. “He’s sort of like an oddity on campus,” says Kaya Walker, the president of the NYU Republicans. “He goes to class, he goes home.”
That seems like a pretty kind assessment for what must be a super weird experience for everyone else on campus. A constant Secret Service presence seems like it must disrupt the other students’ lives, as well as the professors at the school. In fact, Walker quoted one of her own professors as saying “he doesn’t really belong here.”
Couldn’t she investigate and find everything was perfectly fine?
Cheung, a long-time DOJ employee, had been asked to shepherd an investigation into an Environmental Protection Agency funding decision during the Biden administration and then use DOJ’s powers to freeze that funding.
Looks like it had more to do with the second part.
They took all the lessons learned from the satanic panic and the gay panic and applied them to the next target.
Yeah I don’t think they keyworded “updating”. That’s ddg. Especially with the context of Gentoo, which ddg also couldn’t figure out.
People have to buy these ads. Ad buyers don’t want to show ads to people that aren’t interested, it’s low success all around. They want to show ads to people that are actually interested, and this isn’t it. This is supposed to be the bread and butter for DDG, and the underlying search abilities can’t even do that right. It’s just a scatter of semi related terms. This isn’t a case of showing something just because, this is a case of bad ad/search results.
I use DDG all the time, every day, and it gives exactly what I said, a scatter result of semi related terms. I end up using google well over half the time.
It gives bad results. I mean just look at OP’s post. It picked up on “dating” and “apps” and gave ads and probably results on that instead “updating” and “apps”. Even when he also included the context of “gentoo”. It’s just bad at keywords. It just gives a scatter of semi related terms.
I wish ddg didn’t suck, but ddg sucks.
Would my pet snake prefer to have their water dish topped up with cool or warm water?
This calls for an experiment!
I hypothesize warm water. Lowering their temp just to warm back up is probably hard on their system. However, warm tap water sits in the water tank and the old adage is that you’re not supposed to drink it. So warm up cold tap water.
Sigh. All trade from every country in the world to every other country in the world should consider pollution. To have proper trade between all countries. In the world. All countries. Every single one. All of them.
Seriously? Because we should be imposing pollution tariffs on everyone. Trade doesn’t work so well when country A has strict environmental laws and country B doesn’t. Example of the century: China.
Well it basically is. And ozone layer, acid rain, mercury and plastics in the ocean, etc don’t have a global effect? What’s the new one, aluminum in satellites burning up destroying the ozone layer. It’s funny that people have forgotten about pollution.
I know the title says carbon tax, but there is a shit ton more pollutants than CO2. Anything done properly is doing to look at pollution. I was in Beijing once and holy fuck at the pollution.
I read about this after I had the showerthought that dolphins have their nose on the back of their head. Apparently they evolved a ‘plug’ to separate the nose-lungs and the mouth-stomach. It was thought they couldn’t control it, but they found an example of a dolphin who had a damaged blowhole and figured out how to breathe from the mouth. But it looked like it wasn’t easy, iirc the dolphin had to basically swim fast before surfacing to get the air to help force it open. The dolphin wasn’t expected to live long.