We had these in school one year. Of course, it being school means that all of the games available were educational. The school actually let parents rent them for like a month at a time, which is something my parents did. Too bad we couldn’t keep it.
We had these in school one year. Of course, it being school means that all of the games available were educational. The school actually let parents rent them for like a month at a time, which is something my parents did. Too bad we couldn’t keep it.
What’s retirement?
How many consoles look like toilets?
And if you wait long enough it’ll end anyway.
Lana! He remembers me!
Why doesn’t Hagrid, who is the largest of the characters, simply eat Voldemort?
If you like Life is Strange, you should try Tell me Why. It’s by the same developers and it feels like what Life is Strange 2 should’ve been.
Had a substitute teacher once who thought that the word Hell was a bad word even when referring to the location.
A lot of OTC meds that are in boxes have annoying packaging where you have to peel off the little paper before you can push the pill through the wrapping. The paper doesn’t always like to peel off properly and it makes it harder to get the pill out of the packaging.
They’re not gay, but they’ll learn.
If I sleep wrong I wake up in pain.
That seems very likely actually.
If only Phil could’ve relived the same day over and over again until he was able to patch things up with his wife.
My parents could tell tails about how I used to run into the hedge. One time I really bloodied my my knuckles.
The cat isn’t supposed to talk anyway.
In fact, forget the blackjack.
Ah, screw the whole thing.
The one on the top right is a Honda. I know bekcause it has the H, that’s how you know it’s a Honda.