—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it
All pronouns
—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it
It’s easy to tell them apart if you listen carefully for the giant spider in the back.
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
Someone that insecure would have fucked it up anyway.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
Yeah, in my experience private trackers are a bunch of petty tyrants with control issues. My experience is very limited as I’ve never been part of one on account of me telling them to fuck off.
A dead pool?
Americans love to answer the question “where are you from?” with an ingredients list.
That’s a really hard question. I immediately wanna jump out and yell NVIDIA, Apple, Meta, etc. because of their incredibly shitty anti-consumer and predatory practices but then I’m reminded seemingly “good” companies are just as bad if not worse, like Valve making billions by turning children into gambling addicts. So, I guess all of them?
He also says, Palestine supporters and Hamas supporters are, and I quote, one and the same.
Huh, I was sure he was behind the first game. Oh boy, that means nothing he made is good.
Is karma even a thing on Lemmy? Anyone? No? Yes? Ok, it doesn’t matter, I’ll take the hit if I have to: the only good thing Kojima did is Silent Hill. He’s a hack.
This reminds me of a time I had people over when my roommates, who happened to be 2 very attractive girls, went out and just secomds after they left, a guy said “How come you get to live with 2 extremely hot girls?!” and I was like “Because I don’t say shit like that”. Wanna know the best part? His girlfriend was there.
Being a not as short person that’s into taller people but lives in a short country. All the same problems but I don’t even get to say I’m tall. I was recently in Budapest and a guy dropped a beer on me because he turned around and literally didn’t even register me existing around 20cm below his eye line. He was very nice about the whole thing and even bought me a beer but man…
the majority of female led movies are poorly written and the actresses act bad
You were doing so well
Oh, I’m sure the Venn diagram between Lemmings and Linux users is a circle.
First, it’s true. Secondly, it matters a lot because there’s no fool proof way to update through the CLI that takes into account all of the software delivery methods that exist today so you could do use dnf to upgrade daily and still have old flatpak or viceversa. That’s exactly why Fedora recommends updating through the GUI.
They’re apparently biblical angels. Yes, the creepy Evangelion-looking ones.