I was just in a group setting where 3 people who all had a tendency for “same sex attraction” described themselves differently.
One individual strongly preferred the term queer.
The second identified as pan because they liked the flag more than the bi flag, but admitted that bi might be a better fit for them.
The third indentified as bi.
The discussion of accurate terminology could be helpful in some settings, but… In casual settings, or even when negotiating intimacy with other people, what YOU mean by the term means more than the term itself, and you are not out of place by feeling “generally fuzzy” on usage.
I believe truly having no empathy would make it impossible to form anything other than surface level friendships.
The only precious resource I own is my time, and who I spend it with. The thing in life that makes the hard times seem not so bad, and the good times twice as good, is spending with people I care about, and people that I know care about me.
To be pathological about it… My asking questions about you IS a means to an end. It gives a few useful things:
Talking about yourself is “giving” when only you share vulnerability. 1 word answers is keeping your guard up. Asking about them is “giving” because you get opportunities to learn about/support/uplift them. People like getting questions. It can make them feel cared for.
And I’m not saying anything is wrong with you. Just sharing my perspective.
And I’m a guy, so I guess you’d really be puzzled if we met IRL!