Cool, but PLEASE just use kickstart.nvim
It’s all you need
Cool, but PLEASE just use kickstart.nvim
It’s all you need
It was so obviously satire and yet I kept on trying to convince myself it isn’t, but by the last part, I was basically convinced it was, especially by the “Satire” label.
Personally I’d just recommend either Alpaca or GPT4All, both of which are on Flathub and much easier to set up (or at least GPT4All is; I haven’t tested Alpaca yet).
LXDE is dead.
LXQT is working on it, and I believe are already shipping some initial version:
XFCE 4.20 introduced initial Wayland Support:
Cinnamon has an experimental Wayland Session:
Budgie, as per the article, will be Wayland-only from Budgie 10.10, to be released in Q1 2025.
So I’d say the Wayland transition will be complete for all in either 2025 or 2026 at the latest.
Do it for yourself.
I once undertook a project for personal use that I knew could be useful to many people (it was for a game).
People were getting interested in using it even in its earliest, experimental, pre-alpha, prototype, whatever-you-want-to-call-it, stage.
But then the unthinkable happened: I quit the game because the dev was irresponsible and was largely perceived to be unserious and lazy, when this game is his main source of income as far as the community knows.
So I of course lost interest in the project as well and abandoned it.
If I was doing this for myself, it wouldn’t matter at all, but some people were interested in it, some were using it, and even as recently as last month I had people message me asking if the project was ready or how to use it. (the project was started in Jan 2024, I quit in Feb 2024)
The point is that if you’re doing it for yourself and you quit, it wouldn’t matter, but it can almost feel as if you’re letting people down when you do it for someone else rather than yourself. So do it for you. That way, you won’t have people’s expectations weighing you down. If you can’t work on it this week, it doesn’t matter. If you can’t do this feature for xyz reasons, or because you don’t want to, it doesn’t matter. Because you’re doing it for you.
Or at least that’s my take on it.
Made it Worse
Made it Worse
Made it Worse
I’d recommend yt-dlp for downloads.
If you want to stream, you can use yt-dlp in combination with mpv,
You can just install FreeTube if you want SponsorBlock as well.
+1 to this but also, If you’re on Linux, I’d recommend Freetube.
It’s on Flathub and allows you to use SponsorBlock.
Last month, I switched from an all-AMD system to a 2+ times better all-AMD system and I couldn’t be happier! (okay, 32GB RAM and a bigger than 59W battery could’ve made me happier but I digress).
I’ve been on AMD throughout my entire Linux journey and I’ve never had any issues related to that hardware.
It’s a normal atomic/immutable distro