The only thing I’d replace is we have daily stand ups we meet every day in the same time and same place and there’s this guy who talks way more than he should
The only thing I’d replace is we have daily stand ups we meet every day in the same time and same place and there’s this guy who talks way more than he should
Why are people paying extra to work for Pepsi marketing department? It’s messed up.
Boox has official support to play store, while Barnes and Noble you need to search on Internet . I buy books at Kobo, it’s my favorite store now. It’s the only store that I can find decent amount of titles not in English. Do they have an e reader?
There’s only a few screen manufacturers so you probably can find which devices has the same exact screen. It’s had more resolution than my aging eyes can notice.
I’ve used a Barnes and Noble thing before, and my boox is much faster - obviously since it’s 2 newer generations. I don’t buy anything from Amazon. It’s more convenience than anything, they’re a rip off in Australia.
Wait does that too remove drm or should I keep using calibre for that?
Boox is the best, I’ve got to read using the app I want (moon reader), got to install whatever news apps I want
Yep same
I’d add to the list “annoying character is the first one to die”
You gotta watch that short YouTube about a book called “cultural map”.
It’s gauging various cultures and how they handle different aspects of society. It doesn’t cover openly talking about positivity or negativity since it’s focused on business. But the framework is all the same.
For example it put in words things that everyone knows, like Frenchmen are confrontational, Japanese are very hierarchical. Then it goes into plot twist territory.
Could it be depression?
Anyways, would you be able to recall at the end of the day something nice that happened to you, even if small? Gratefulness is my personal path to inner peace doesn’t matter if big or small. And even if you decide to not take this path, you can use the memory of that good moment to 1 make it happen more often, or 2 invest your time/thoughts to make it even better next time it happens or 3 follow up and build on top of it.
There was this guy, I think a big shot from wired magazine, that would try to sit in a different chair every day, with the goal of breaking his habits, which was his way of getting new ideas.
Pwffft they’re trying to break it with their feet, so cute.
In Brazil they wrap ATM s in chains and rip them off using trucks. Then take the ATM to a safe house and bust it open. That is happening since 1990s.
I was surprised when I saw someone doing the same in Australia, with a constructions site digger. I think it was last year.
Conclusion: Brazil exports crime 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yep at least you get a VIP treatment while they suck your brains off
Both places suck big time, change my mind.
throw in a hand job to outbid them
Well he deserves a different level of miserable.
I’d like to see what the people at the local Nazis convention has to say about it.
I’d feed that into a voice ai if I knew how to do it.
Got any more samples like this?
Whatever the smartest person here says, and since they’re likely thinking of using it as a water container, multiply it by the depth .
Water will be pushing the air inside, seeping in hard, and buckling your surfaces. My understanding is the best counter to that is submersing your (electronics? ) in oil which is incompressible and not conductive. At which point a cheap Tupperware from Dollar store would also do the job.
What if people who fix your body were paid by taxes? The brain is also about health and health costs should be free.
Outside English no one knows that b*tch
Groovy that’s someone I haven’t heard about in like 10 years
My pet project uses it, but no one else does