She LOVES you.
Also, sleep with one eye open at all times …
Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
She LOVES you.
Also, sleep with one eye open at all times …
I’d contact your power company. I had a street feed with a similar issue that turned out to be an industrial piece of equipment on the same phase as I was. The power company switched my phase and life went back to normal.
In my opinion, you are describing a form of “imposter syndrome” and it’s not unusual for professionals to experience it.
There are many jobs where only a very small amount of time is spent “doing the job”, the rest is waiting around.
The thing is, waiting around is also the job and whilst you’re not handling an emergency, you don’t suddenly become a different person, you don’t forget those skills.
You are under no obligation to use Facebook.
I’ve been writing software for over 40 years, I hear you!
That said, I think that the current crop of updates coming out of Apple are symptomatic of a larger issue, namely that it has effectively isolated itself from its customer base and as a result has lost touch with the reality of using Apple equipment.
I’ve used Apple gear for a very long time and this appears to happen in waves. I’m not sure what breaks the cycle, but something does and things get better … for a time.
I suspect that the current crop of releases are driven by an accountant wanting to cash out on the latest AI craze with no regard for the existing user base.
The latest example of this is Apple sharing all your photos with their AI system:
Constipation … running the game of life in hard mode.
Except that these bugs are being found after release, which means that alpha and beta testing is not finding these bugs and the internal testing process isn’t finding them before release either.
I have no idea what’s driving this, other than to observe that there were several subsequent fixes to do with sandboxes which was causing all manner of grief for applications being prevented from accessing their own files.
Apple has been releasing bug fixes across its entire OS offering for the past six months like it’s going out of fashion. I used to measure laptop uptime in months, now it’s weeks and days. Quality control is not what it used to be.
Source: I’ve been using Apple hardware since 1985.
I read a social media expert thread that essentially pointed out that the news cycle is now so rapid that doing nothing for a couple of days is better than doing anything because any response at all will be met with more news cycle.
If that’s what installing Linux is like I don’t want to know what installing Windows looks like.
Also, in unrelated news, I’m now available for Linux installs…
I never understood how you should open such a box, but this seems like the way forward.
It really doesn’t matter what it’s called. If its memorable, people will remember it.
I remember reading this when it came out. Made me laugh again today. Thank you for sharing.
And plenty more:
And now you know why we’ve been telling you not to use Telegram.