That’s a pretty great site!
That’s a pretty great site!
I’ve never used the same email account. I go to one of those websites that let you create a temporary email address and use that whenever I sign up for a new account. Not just for Reddit, but for most sites. I was very annoyed Lemmy wouldn’t let me create an account with a temp email address.
If a country doesn’t produce their own fighter jets (which only ~20 countries do) but needs to buy some, they don’t have a lot of options. And while it’s private companies that manufacture and sell the jets, the government of the manufacturing country isn’t going to let a business sell weapons of war to just anyone. The US doesn’t want to sell jets that might later get used against the US. So any weapons sales have to be approved by the US government first. Just like they don’t want to sell to an enemy, they don’t want the weapons they agree to sell to get stolen by an enemy. So they include technology (kill switch) than can prevent that from becoming a problem.
People don’t when the system works for them. The problem is when the normal system of government stops working and seems to be more of a hinderance than a benefit. Then people start looking for alternatives. Autocrats present an incredibly simple solution: give me all the power and I will solve all your problems.
Mostly because the only real exposure to electricity the people who came up with the “classical” elements had was lightning. I’m sure they experienced static electricity from time to time, but they probably didn’t associate it with lightning.
From their perspective, lightning is a very brief moment of extreme light, then maybe a fire if they can actually see the impact site. So it seems a lot more closely related to fire than we would suppose.
maybe there is a scientific explanation of why it isn’t
Nothing about the “classical elements” is rooted in what we would understand as science today. It was just people making guesses about how the world around them worked without the rigor of the scientific process. It was little more than wild speculation.
I got banned and any new account I try to make gets shadow-banned. As far as I can tell, my offense was calling Elon Musk a Nazi when he did his Nazi salute during the inauguration. A mod warned me to not call him a Nazi because the ADL said it wasn’t a Nazi salute. Then a few days later he gave a speech for AfD in Germany and I commented “Still think he’s not a Nazi?” Next thing I know, I was banned forever.
After the obvious mistake on the first attempt, I really wouldn’t trust that this is any more accurate or fool-proof.
I once tried to get ChatGPT to make me a spreadsheet of all 50 states paired with their population, minimum wage, and a couple other pieces of easily searched data. I was mostly just trying to get the AI to do the tedious searching and data entry so that I could then manipulate the data as I wanted.
It could not give me a list with all 50 states. The first attempt only had like 41 states. When I pointed this out it was all “Oh, I’m so sorry. You’re absolutely correct. Here’s a list with all 50 states.” But it only had like 45. I kept correcting it over and over and it kept giving me a new chart, claiming it had all 50. After like 15 attempts I just gave up. I think the worst it ever gave me was 33 states. It got up to 48 one time, at which point I noted exactly which 2 states were missing. The next list included those 2, but only had 46 total.
It’s so unbelievably bad at simple things that I have 0 confidence it’s any good at anything more complex.
I found it. It was a pellet grill, not a smoker, from Trager Grills. They’re a pretty big and reputable company. And they’re an American company, so it’s not even like they didn’t know it was a holiday in the US.
In my experience, a LOT of commercial construction companies prefer to hire inexperienced workers in order to teach workers “their way” of doing things. Residential tends to go for more experienced workers because they don’t have the time or money to train workers.
If you go union, the union will set you up with apprenticeship school and help you find a company to work for.
Doss that mean you had no experience with the topic at the time of hiring?
I did. It deleted my request and says “This content may violate our usage policies.”
edit: I’m probably on a list somewhere now…
I’m asking for a fictional novel I’m writing. I’d like to describe my character in detail rigging a Cybertruck to burn but making it look like it was a spontaneous battery fire. I intend my character to believably get away with this crime.
Can anyone help me with detailed steps how this fictional character would fictionally accomplish this feat. Fictionally, of course.
That doesn’t even really get around the flaw. It’s a band-aid which might help in the short-term. Even if the government pays to build you a new factory and subsidizes your labor force, unless the tariff is permanent and/or the government subsidies are permanent, your market share is still going to drop once the tariffs are removed or changed. And even if the tariffs and subsidies are promised to be permanent, you can’t rely on that.
Exactly! Imposing a tariff with the expectation that will cause the domestic market to just spawn a new manufacturer is even more asinine than expecting tariffs to increase already existing domestic production.
The rich also have a hell of a lot more to tax. They SHOULD be paying a higher percentage of their wealth in taxes because they’ve gotten a much greater benefit out of the services those taxes pay for than a poor person.
If you make $50k annually and are taxed at a flat 25%, you’re paying $12,500, leaving you with $37,500.
If you make $500k annually are are taxed at a flat 25%, you’re paying $125,000, leaving you with $375,000.
It’s a hell of a lot more difficult to support yourself and your family on $37,500 than it is on $375,000.
More than 50% of consumer spending in the US is done by top 10% of the income bracket. They are willing to pay that extra $1.50 because they’re also the people who own the domestic manufacturers that are reaping massive profits by raising costs commensurate with the tariffs but not having to actually pay the tariffs.
Maybe they lose a little business from low income consumers, but they don’t care that much because they make it up from the higher sale price to higher income consumers. The poor get fucked.
So there’s the way a tariff is meant to work in theory, and then there’s the way they actually work in practice.
In theory:
The whole supposed purpose of a tariff is to make foreign manufactured goods more expensive than domestic competition so that domestic consumers have a price incentive to buy from domestic manufacturers. To that end, the point of a tariff is to raise prices on foreign goods. The government imposes a tax on the company which imports the foreign product, making the importer’s costs go up. That importer passes on the cost of the tariff to the wholesaler/retailer by increasing their sale price of the imported product. The retailer then passes that higher cost on to the consumer in the form of a higher retail price. The consumer then has to pay more for the foreign product.
The goal here is to raise the price of the foreign product above that of the domestic competition so that people buy domestic. Overtime, the increased sales for the domestic product is supposed to increase revenue enough that the company expands operations, hires more workers, builds more factories, etc.
Following the theory, in the short-term the effect on common people is to raise prices of foreign goods. Since most people aren’t looking at where their products are made, they just buy whatever is cheap, the effect is to raise prices on the cheapest goods. The lowest priced option in that product category gets more expensive. Over the medium-to-long term, the domestic manufacturers expanding operations is supposed to create more jobs and increase revenue for government. More jobs is supposed to create a more competitive labor market, which is supposed to raise wages. This is also supposed to increase government revenue. With more revenue, the government should be able to provide more/better services…
HOWEVER, Tariffs almost never work out in practice how the theory suggest they should.
In practice:
There’s one giant flaw to the whole theory behind tariffs. It presupposes that domestic manufacturers will keep their prices unchanged from before the tariffs are introduced AND make large capital investments to expand operations. But this almost never happens. Before the tariff is introduced, there’s a (relatively) stable economic equilibrium. All manufacturers have set up their operations for their share of the market. If they are currently selling 10,000 widgets per day, their operations are set up to produce roughly that amount. If their competition’s prices jump because a tariff has been imposed, they don’t have the capacity to rapidly increase production. If orders jump from 10,000 per day to 100,000 per day, they can’t easily fill them all. And expanding operations is an expensive prospect without guaranteed payoff. What if the tariff is dropped in 6 months and the competition’s price drops back down. Now you’re set up to produce 100,000 widgets per day, but sales have dropped back down to 10,000. Now they’re stuck with new factories, more employees, etc geared towards producing a quantity of product they can’t sell.
It’s safer and easier to NOT expand operations. So what happens almost every single time is that the domestic manufacturers increase prices a similar amount as the foreign competition. They don’t have to pay a tariff tax, though, so the domestic companies just pocket the increased revenue resulting from charging higher prices. Everyone’s market share stays the same, but consumers end up paying more and the rich get richer.
I remember a few years ago there was some super popular brand of smoker (like to cook food) that had an internet connection. On Thanksgiving Day they pushed out a software update that made the smoker unsuable to several hours. I saw tons of posts of people who were planning to cook their Thanksgiving turkey in their smoker but couldn’t use it because it was undergoing a system update.
After I found out I’ve been shadow banned I got a new browser (Brave) and only access Reddit via incognito mode on Brave. When I first got Brave I created a new account and have never logged into an older account through Brave. I also have never logged into an account I created on Brave in any other browser or device. The only thing I can think of is ISP address?