Extremely limited password length. I think it was around 6 or 8 characters. Exactly! So every password was the same length.
No other requirements. The best part? It was a bank. But not a customer facing service.
Extremely limited password length. I think it was around 6 or 8 characters. Exactly! So every password was the same length.
No other requirements. The best part? It was a bank. But not a customer facing service.
Can confirm Source: am a grammerpro
But there are a lot of quantum processes going on in the atmosphere, no?
Vote in what?
I just asked a buddy of mine what he thinks an “Arschlöscher” is without context. His answer was a bidet. It fits too perfectly.
Now I will always call bidets ass extinguishers! So thanks for extending my vocabulary.
I don’t think that’s how it works. Most compound words are nouns not verbs.
Also ass is “Arsch” not “Arse”. You could say Arschlöscher, but if I heard this without context I would think of something that deletes asses.
If I would need to construct a noun that describes a bum bum that extinguishes fires I would say it should be “Löscharsch” maybe even “Feuerlöscharsch”.
These are real words in the sense that German speaker should immediately understand them but you will not find them in a dictionary. That’s what makes German different from many languages. We can make up understandable compound words on the fly.
When I was in school many notebooks came with a loose sheet to absorb the ink from our fountain pens. These are called “Löschpapier” (extinguishing paper).
A common joke was, to say you should toss the “Löschpapier” into a fire to extinguish it.
I tried it once. It burned quite well unfortunately.
I’ve seen long compound words in children’s book recently. Could be real.
Some kids get hyper fixated on cool stuff like firefighters, cars, dinosaurs,… and love learning new words in that topic even or especially if they are complicated.
Sometimes those little brains can do a lot more than many give them credit for.
The mail is pissing-water?
Well those are words descendent from Latin and Greek.
Yea, there are 13 more
Not to mention there are so many more ways to fuck up security when configuring it all on your own outside a container.
Edit: of course one can also fuck up security with a container