Star Trek isn’t a realistic model, though. I understand the goal you’re describing, but what’s the motivation that gets enough of the population to play along?
Star Trek isn’t a realistic model, though. I understand the goal you’re describing, but what’s the motivation that gets enough of the population to play along?
I just can’t see how you aren’t describing feudalism once anarchist communities become large and widespread enough to create resource competition between them. Some people are just always going to accumulate some foothold of power and then it’s all downhill from there.
I want to love anarchism and communism, but I can never escape the fact that they require consistent, universal altruism in a way that just seems utopian to me. It comes across as maybe the ultimate example of perfect-is-the-enemy-of-good.
The networking aspect will likely be the trickiest, but if you’re already interested in administrating a VPS you can absolutely do it.
record to point to that address!Not hard, but not exactly uncomplicated either.
I see your point on altruism, it seems a much larger problem with large-scale anarchism. I think my primary issue with what you’re describing is that I hold a dim view of planned economies. Thanks for explaining.