I know, and most people who say that have no idea what the other person is feeling. Perhaps it is worse, but at some point big number + 1 stops mattering.
I know, and most people who say that have no idea what the other person is feeling. Perhaps it is worse, but at some point big number + 1 stops mattering.
Assuming the Catholic you’re talking to recognizes asexuality exists. It’s funny that accepting asexuality is a way out of blasphemy here though.
“It could be worse” says someone who’s never experienced depression in their life to someone who’s been suicidal for half their life.
Low standards indeed.
Most people believe shit without checking. Even I forget to use my brain frequently. I used to believe in the market place of ideas, but that got millions dead of COVID and fascists winning on platforms they completely lied about, so I don’t think the market works.
I’ve not heard it overused. Now, if your definition of racism is “has a deep hatred of some race” then I can see why you’d think that. Most people don’t hate other races, we just do the occasional racism without even thinking about it.
Is that the only MLK quote you know? It’s a little overused I think, I wish people would use anything else he said.
I know people with neither and both, so uhhh, which one?
Stop getting scared by terrorism, a few dozen people is nothing compared to even mundane things like traffic deaths.
This is secretly advocating for the flat Earth