Pretty sure they were being sarcastic, but your point makes sense (in conservative world where socialism is Bad) without the clown.
Also [email protected]. Not a lot of Zeppos out here.
Pretty sure they were being sarcastic, but your point makes sense (in conservative world where socialism is Bad) without the clown.
Wow, I recalled AltaVista, Lucia and Excite but have not thought of HotBot in forever.
Right. I starved even with food in T1 onset and then later got DKA, which was excruciating.
Ozempic is expensive af. Even more so than insulin.
That’s true, t1 and t2 are basically opposite conditions with some overlapping effects. A significant portion of people with type 2 do use insulin, though.
The old forms of insulin (R, NPH) are already cheap and available at Walmart without a prescription. They are only $25 a vial, but suck to use though. Pretty sure they’re referring to the metabolic drugs given to people with type 2.
Yes. Thank you. I have T1, and with T2 being ~20 times as common, I don’t think the difference will ever be understood by the public. I wish it would get a different name, though that wouldn’t lower the price of insulin, right.
Same on Twitter. Back pre-Elron I was suspended for the stupidest crap: I said I thought Trump would be too old to run for office next year, as he lived an unhealthy lifestyle. That was “wishing harm or violence”, like, what? I didn’t voice an opinion about whether I was all happy about that or something, just simply made that statement. Then someone was joking about the Will Smith thing and something about Kid Rock and I said Hillary Clinton should be the one to slap Kid Rock. That was also horribly violent of me. I appealed and they said NO, YOu are VERY BAD, SORRY. What a waste of time. It’s offensive, too. Meanwhile I’ve reported things like people saying vile racist insults and literally saying they want someone to die, and I get the reply that sorry, they reviewed it and the comment was fine. I’m sure the process is even worse now.
Windows 95, 98 and ME were all DOS based.