I’m using the LITE version of Raspberry PI OS. ( so without desktop environment and other stuff, but unfortunately not systemd free… )
When I use this raspberry locally I don’t need a desktop, but remotely I might…
I’ve found an interesting link:
see Method Three: X11 Forwarding for Desktop over SSH
I see that xinit is not installed by default with LITE ( and it make sense ) so do you think if I install it, and follow the rest of instruction it will work ?
If I understand well the mechanism I do not need to install a desktop environment on the server ( the rpi ) but only on the client right ?
Or do you know a better way do achieve this ?
Ssh x11 forwarding has been a popular system for decades. (Id love to know if wayland options exist yet)
But as other have suggested you need x11 on both systems. It is very inbuilt into the way x11 was originally designed. (From back when we had huge shared servers and dumbish xterm workstations. This means it was designed to do much of the work on the server end with the display being the lower cost less able system.
It will work on a pie. But not with the lite os system as designed.
Absolutely! Give Waypipe a shot. Example:
waypipe ssh desktop.local thunderbird
Cheers ill look into it.
X11 can be easily forwarded over ssh. You do need to have at least the application you want to forward installed on RPI, possibly X11 as well. You also need a X11 server on the other side.
Without an installed desktop environment on your Pi, you will not be able to use GUI apps, not even remotely. You would have to install it on the Pi first.
What exactly is it your trying to use the raspberry pi for? A better solution might just be a web UI if you just need to adjust a few things/check on it every now and then remotely. You can just use your browser to go to its IP and have a UI there.
Seconding this. The last time I use raspberry pi it was the first version and it could barely do x windows; trying to push everything to remote x and through ssh might make it unusable, but it will still technically work.
In your shoes: I would use something like cockpit and it comes with most distos by default. It uses your local browser to administer your rpi and can also give you a shell or virtual terminal.
If you insist on forwarding x over ssh, then be sure to enable compression. (I didn’t see it in the article that you linked).
For any kind of remote GUI access you definitely need a desktop environment on the pi…
You can launch single applications with X forwarding, and X can launch applications without a desktop.
Depending on needs, a web interface may be better. Like Cockpit or something more application-specific.
Check this out: https://github.com/wayland-transpositor/wprs
freerdp xrdp if on X11