Silly drawing Request … Draw … A spiral with spirals
- A Spiral Spiraling out of control 🍥🌀
- … Or a spiral spiraling into itself … 🍥🌀🍥🌀
- Spirals irl 🍥🌀 idk man, something with spirals 👌
the spiral in his left eye (from the snails perspective) rotates clockwise outwards, in his right eye counterclockwise, right? beautiful counterclockwise snail-house-Spiral as well!
Overall i count beautiful 5 spirals in your image:
- 2 eyes 👀
- 1 snail house 🐌
- lollipop 🍭
- background blurred rainbow spiral 🌈
Yes, I made the eye spirals go in opposite directions. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The background is from a program I wrote a few years ago to experiment with graphics techniques. It actually produces a complex, animated oscillating spiral that smoothly evolves into concentric rings. It’s pretty trippy.
I’ve converted the first 90 seconds of its output into a video clip in case you are curious:
cool, I love generative art produced by computer programs. I recently made this post on c/generative [email protected] still need to find more communities on the topic.