So im on zorin so basically ubuntu with gnome. Anyway I see this thing and it only happens with firefox but the switching between various windows I get back to firefox and it will be full screen size but not actually full screened so now I can see another window peeping over the top. Does not happen consistantly at all but like a minimum of once a day I notice it and click the window back to small and then full screen again to get it to use the whole real estate. Just seeing if anyone has seen behaviour like this or better yet knows something about it.
I have a similar problem, but once resized, the problem doesn’t reoccur.
Oh. I definately saw it twice per day. That is what got me to post something and find out if other folks see it. Never have it on any other application though. Only firefox and only on linux or maybe specifically gnome but I can’t be sure.
I am on niri right now, so I guess it isn’t gnome specific.
I think I have seen a similar issue. Mine is that sometimes my firefox gets stuck in the background and I can click the icon in my dock to maximize it. Nothing happens. I have to hit the Windows key to view all my windows in that particular workspace, then click firefox to get it to the front. Sometimes it doesn’t work and I have to close out Firefox and reopen. Is that similar to what you’re seeing ?
actually that sounds way worse. I never have to close it out and I can always get to it. It just sorta looses its fullscreenness while in fullscreen. Its very odd.
Sounds like it might have something to do with some rendering settings related to hardware acceleration. Have a look here and see if toggling anything on or off helps:
The only thing I see with hardware acceleration is starting in safe mode. Am I missing something?
Yes. I dont remember the word exactly but it might have the word “performance” or “hardware”
ahh ok I see it now. my control f was not working because it was hardware video acceleration although I swear I just did acceleration and did not seem to find it but I may just have lost the context while looking at the parts. Its clicking now today with the section and trying the configs. thank you I will try them.
Do you use hide the top bar extension?
no but I use some addons but the only ones I can think of which might effect the top is foxytabs and powertabs. They don’t really change visuals though more oganization.
I meant the gnome extension not firefox
oh. I will have to look into it as although I have not added it much of what zorin does is look in feel outside of added packages as its an out of the box distro.