ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”
ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”
ok, but isn’t the goal the end of fascism?
They didn’t reason themselves into fascism they’re not going to reason their way out either.
well, most of them do. they are often fed false info, get preached bullshit (racism, etc) “reasoning” and yeah, they fall for it. but the only way out for them is people taking them (and their thoughts) seriously, taking them by the (proverbial) hand and leading them back
Good luck with that, liberal.
yay, name-calling ftw
“I want to round your kind up into camps”
“Oh honey no, that’s mean we can’t do that” -you
I’m calling you what you are. A liberal who thinks you can reason with Nazis. Open up a history book please.
Yeah, I respect the principle, but it isn’t realistic.
By the time someone embraces that kind of ideology, you aren’t talking them out of it. And, more important, you aren’t ending the ideology one at a time.
It takes something huge to break through that kind of thinking and built up hate. Yeah, you run into cases of it happening when the nazi/fascist/white supremacist/bigot changes over time when no longer able to have support and has someone guiding them. But that’s not going to end it once it’s an existential threat.
And it is. The ideology was tolerated too long, and supported by people in power. You just don’t have time to talk that away.
you are talking in absolutes and as if you knew what huge thing would solve the issue, but i guess you don’t since this thread is about punching individuals in the face?
nah, a 9mm will do just fine
Well, yeah, on an individual basis.
You need something with a bit better ballistics, and nore versatility than the typical 9mil platform, which is often a handgun. For effective large scale efforts, you’d be looking at something like 7.62, 5.56, or even the old reliable 308. Hell, if you don’t mind going with something that’s less widely available in terms of big stockpiles, the field is wide open.
Tbh though, if it’s handgun only, I’m still going .45. Yeah, you lose capacity, but you gain in effective force delivered.
9mm would be more for burner use against single targets for sure. Easy to get, and easy to get cheaply, so easy to toss.
The fuck did you think I was talking about? When I mean huge, I mean taking care of the nazi problem period.
well, in ex-Yugoslavia you afaik still got plenty of 8mm mouser for all the neo-ustashe and /-chetniks
(it was also more of a joke remark lol)
Heh, I actually have one of those. They aren’t cutting edge, but you slap a decent scope on one, and it’ll get the job done.