Turns out dryers are pretty simple and mostly all decent. It’s the washers that are more complex and you should choose wisely.

I spent like 4 days looking at videos about dryers anyway. It’s like, the most exciting thing to happen this month.

At least my clothes come out dry in one cycle now.

  • jqubed@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    I wish I’d done more research on ours; it was an older model on clearance so we got it relatively cheap and figured it would be good enough. It dries fine but the Sensor Dry only operates at one temperature: Warm. You can also push the Eco button which seems to lower the temperature slightly, while taking longer of course. In fact out of its dozen drying presets only one lets you change the temperature: Timed Dry. The only way I can dry my clothes on Low and try to prevent shrinkage is to put it on Timed Dry and run it for about 80-85 minutes, maybe shorter depending on humidity and how many clothes are in the load.